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Tour of a lifetime?


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A coach company has inaugurated a coach tour around Britain's most hated road, the M25, London orbital motorway.

A coach-load of day trippers have taken a 117-mile (188km) tour of the M25 motorway, dubbed by frequent users as "the UK's biggest car park".
Tour guide Nigel Pullan said: "Everybody thinks it's always roadworks, accidents and hold-ups and that there's nothing interesting, it's just a road.
"Because we are sitting in a coach you can see a lot of the interesting sites around the motorway that if you were in in a car you would just miss." BBC news.

One lady passenger said "I always wanted to go on a round the world tour, but I didn't manage it, so I came on the round the M25 tour."
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Have you book your trip yet? :icon_smile:

Not likely. I used to take a missionary friend to and from Heathrow airport when he came home and that involves driving halfway round (clockwise). A year or two ago, I drove to North East London via the M25, (anticlockwise.) This involved a long delay at the Dartford Crossing tolls, extensive roadworks, and those times when the traffic suddenly slows down to a crawl, or stops, for no apparent reason, and then speeds up again, and you can see no reason for the delay. It took so long that on the return lourney, I drove straight through London which was much quicker even though I stopped briefly at my daughter's on the way.
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