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Looking Down On Others


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I'm locking my topic. the reason, kindofblue has attacked my character & credibility once again, saying that because of the stand I take on schooling, I'm looking down at those who do not believe the same as I.

I gave the example of the school topic only as an example, for in a topic that I started, my character & credibility was attacked by kindofblue by stating I was looking down on him only because I disagree with his belief about schooling children, them when I pointed this out I was punished by my topic being locked.

Let it be known that anytime my my belief is different than yours, if you want to disagree with me, that is OK! But please, when you disagree with someone, just disagree, leaving off the character & credibility attacks.

And yes, when someone says I am looking down on them because the stand I take is not the same as theirs that is an attack on my credibility & character. Furthermore, if you disagree with me, giving your reason for disagreeing with me, I have no problem with that. We can be respectful to one another even when we disagree without attacking each others character & credibility.

Thank you!

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