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Psychopathy & Christianity


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I've been doing a bit of research on psychopathy today - no particular reason, just got the subject stuck in my head. :rolleyes: There's not really much out there that looks at the subject from a Biblical perspective. How does the idea of a psychopath - someone who seems to lack the ability to experience empathy, emotions, or to understand the consequences of his actions, and lacks this from a young age - fit with the Biblical explanation of sin and a God-given conscience? Is this 'condition' merely the outward demonstration of an extremely hardened/selfish heart, or is there something else going on there?

Do y'all have any thoughts on this?

Edited by salyan
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Ponerology is the study of evil. The link below is just one of the blogs or websites which deal with the subject. I believe it is a subject which might help a person to understand how powerful is the influence of Satan on the hearts and minds of man. There is also an interesting book on the subject entitled, Political Ponerology, which would help some to understand the world of politics.

God bless,


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How does the idea of a psychopath - someone who seems to lack the ability to experience empathy, emotions, or to understand the consequences of his actions, and lacks this from a young age - fit with the Biblical explanation of sin and a God-given conscience? Is this 'condition' merely the outward demonstration of an extremely hardened/selfish heart, or is there something else going on there?

That is about the size of it. Conscience seared with a hot iron. This can effect even very young children. Sort of how we see in the NT demon possession of some children(Mark 9:17-27 etc.). We don't tend to think that young children are really as capable of giving themselves wholly over to evil as an adult may be, but some certainly are.
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That is about the size of it. Conscience seared with a hot iron. This can effect even very young children. Sort of how we see in the NT demon possession of some children(Mark 9:17-27 etc.). We don't tend to think that young children are really as capable of giving themselves wholly over to evil as an adult may be, but some certainly are.

I agree with you. I have always thought their conscience was seared. When I did my research project on serial killers, it was interesting to find out how many of them tortured animals and had a fascination with death at a young age. As far as psychology goes they say there is no cure, but we know the cure is Jesus Christ.
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I've read some articles about serial killers here lately. Some of them seem to have the outlook that those they murder & rape are out there so that they can enjoy them for their pleasure.

1Ti 4:1 ¶ Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Do you think this is speaking about saved people?

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Many times I have thought a psychopath is only a person that has the Devil for their Father.

True enough, but that would also apply to anyone that is not a believer. (John 8:44, 1 Jn. 3:8-12) And not all nonbelievers are psychopaths.
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