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Wow! That obviously justifies the fascist NYPD harassing her while walking quietly on the sidewalk, cuffing & imprisoning her.
iI thought you might denounce her as a commie, not a nazi. Did you read to the end?

Indeed, whatever her political beliefs, she has the same constitutional rights as any other citizen and should expect to be treated in accord with them. Whatever rights not afforded to her, can also be denied to ourselves and others.
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Wow! That obviously justifies the fascist NYPD harassing her while walking quietly on the sidewalk, cuffing & imprisoning her.
iI thought you might denounce her as a commie, not a nazi. Did you read to the end?

Nazi, Commie, what's the difference? They're both satanic ideologies little different from the other. As I told you before, the first thing one learns about Statists (that includes Wolfe and her friends) is that they lie, about everything. They're always poor innocent victims just driving around until persecuted by fascists. Wolfe was a victim of the very system she promotes, smell the irony?
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Nazi, Commie, what's the difference? They're both satanic ideologies little different from the other. As I told you before, the first thing one learns about Statists (that includes Wolfe and her friends) is that they lie, about everything. They're always poor innocent victims just driving around until persecuted by fascists. Wolfe was a victim of the very system she promotes, smell the irony?

Democrats and Republicans are statists too.

In any event, if we believe the guarentees of the Constitution should be abided by, then we should expect them to apply to all, whether we agree with them or not.
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Indeed, whatever her political beliefs, she has the same constitutional rights as any other citizen and should expect to be treated in accord with them. Whatever rights not afforded to her, can also be denied to ourselves and others.

John, This topic, & the things have been said, makes me wonder. Do Christians want a free country, or do they want a country with everything stacked in their favor, with no freedom for those that disagree with us.

Christians wants freedom to practice, & or do as they please, but at the same time want to take freedom for unbelievers, anyone that disagrees with them.

If Christians want to put a Christian message on a public transportation system, they think it is their right to do so. But when an atheist wants to, they say NO!

The Atheist Billboard That Was Banned in Central Arkansas

I believe this is headed though the courts at present time. I read an article in a Baptist news letter telling everyone to contact all of their elected official to let them no this should not be allowed.

Christians wants their prayers in public schools, yet thinks the Muslins should not have that right.

There is many other examples out there. But what is going on with our Christians brothers & sisters? They speak of freedom, their freedom, yet refuse to let others have their freedom.

Seems when Christians speaks about freedom, its selective freedom, freedom to go about doing what ever they chose in the name of their religion, its OK, yet try & shut anyone else down when it disagrees with them.

No wonder we're becoming a hated group of people. And this is all wrapped up in politics. What happened to praying for your leaders that things will go good so that we can live peaceable & quite lives going about our Fathers work?

If I'm missing something, let me know.
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John, This topic, & the things have been said, makes me wonder. Do Christians want a free country, or do they want a country with everything stacked in their favor, with no freedom for those that disagree with us.

Christians wants freedom to practice, & or do as they please, but at the same time want to take freedom for unbelievers, anyone that disagrees with them.

If Christians want to put a Christian message on a public transportation system, they think it is their right to do so. But when an atheist wants to, they say NO!

The Atheist Billboard That Was Banned in Central Arkansas

I believe this is headed though the courts at present time. I read an article in a Baptist news letter telling everyone to contact all of their elected official to let them no this should not be allowed.

Christians wants their prayers in public schools, yet thinks the Muslins should not have that right.

There is many other examples out there. But what is going on with our Christians brothers & sisters? They speak of freedom, their freedom, yet refuse to let others have their freedom.

Seems when Christians speaks about freedom, its selective freedom, freedom to go about doing what ever they chose in the name of their religion, its OK, yet try & shut anyone else down when it disagrees with them.

No wonder we're becoming a hated group of people. And this is all wrapped up in politics. What happened to praying for your leaders that things will go good so that we can live peaceable & quite lives going about our Fathers work?

If I'm missing something, let me know.

Yes, that pretty much sums it up. Most Christians hate liberal activism and they say they are going against the Constitution (which they are), yet these same Christians promote conservative activism which goes against the Constitution, but since it favors them, they support that.

Very few Christians today actually want the country governed by the Constitution. They want the country governed by their brand of conservatism at the expense of all others. Many have been led to believe America was founded as a Christian nation and remained a Christian nation until about the 1960s. The reality is the Founders specifically chose to make America a secular nation and opened the doors for all religions and non-religions and freedom for them all.
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The reality is the Founders specifically chose to make America a secular nation and opened the doors for all religions and non-religions and freedom for them all.

I'm not sure the context of this statement. As I read it, it seems to be completely at odds with most of the writings of the Founders and their supporters during that era, and more in agreement with Howard Zinn than George Washington or even Thomas Jefferson.
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Police Brutality Charges Sweep Across the US

Has the US got a Fascist police force - unwittingly supporting the 1% against the people?

Officer Daragjati boasted to a woman friend that, while on patrol in Staten Island, he had "fried another nigger". It was "no big deal", he added. The FBI, which had been investigating another matter, then tried to work out what had happened.
According to court documents released in New York, Daragjati and his partner had randomly stopped and frisked a black man who had become angry and asked for Daragjati's name and badge number. Daragjati, 32, and with eight years on the force, had no reason to stop the man, and had found nothing illegal. But he arrested him and fabricated an account of him resisting arrest. The man, now referred to in papers only as John Doe because of fears for his safety, spent two nights in jail. He had merely been walking alone through the neighbourhood.
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I'm not sure the context of this statement. As I read it, it seems to be completely at odds with most of the writings of the Founders and their supporters during that era, and more in agreement with Howard Zinn than George Washington or even Thomas Jefferson.

The Founders specifically chose to be very generic when they did use any religious reference and they specifically chose not to name Christianity as being the religion of America while also specifically banning there being any sort of requirement that one running for or holding federal office had to be a Christian.

In the way they formed the federal government, Christians, Jews, Muslims and others were all equal and the government itself was to be operated as a secular institution. All of this set the stage for what we have today with those of many different religions, and no religion, holding federal office, governing the country, and why Christians are being pushed aside since in reality (regardless of the near meaningless polls which say about 70% of Americans call themselves Christians) true Christians are a small and growing smaller, minority.
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Police Brutality Charges Sweep Across the US

Has the US got a Fascist police force - unwittingly supporting the 1% against the people?

This isn't all that uncommon but even still most professing Christians in America have the odd idea that police are all upstanding, do no wrong and apparently the fact most are unsaved doesn't cause them to realize they are walking in sin.
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Police Brutality Charges Sweep Across the US

Has the US got a Fascist police force - unwittingly supporting the 1% against the people?

This is not uncommon, they will stop white people & do them the same way, its not necessarily discrimination against a race. It may be just a officer that love to show his authority to whom so ever they may stop.

I had this happen to me back in about 81. The wife, my daughter who was in the back seat, age 12 years, were stopped after leaving a friends house one night at about 10:00 PM headed home. We met the deputy sheriff, and I told Linda soon as I saw the car that he was going to turn around and stop us. And he did.

He had no reason to stop us, I had not done one thing wrong, I was about to leave the city limits, the speed limit was 45, I was going 40.

He tried to harass me. I kept asking him why he stopped me, yet he would not give a reason. Fortunately another deputy was with him that I knew, he saw that things were not good, got out came up beside this deputy giving me a hard time. Which I might add we had just gotten a different car, had a dealer plate on back, so neither one knew who I was. If I had been in my other car, Al, the other deputy would have known who i was.

He listened for a moment, them said, "Jerry, just let him see your drivers licenses." I replied, "Al, I will soon as he tells me why he stopped me, not until. Them when I get home, & or to the jail, I will call my cousin, my cousin who happens to be your boss, and his boss. And I feel sure he can straighten this out very quickly taking what ever actions needs to be taken. Al, you & I, and your partner here knows quite well that y'all did not have no reason whatsoever to stop me, with my wife, & with my young daughter setting in the back seat."

When I said that the deputy that was giving me a hard time asked me, "Is the sheriff your cousin?" I replied to him, "Ask your partner this question, I feel sure he can answer it quickly and clearly." he looked towards his partner, his partner was shaking his head yes.

At that moment things changed drastically very quickly, and shortly I was on my way and when I got home I called up my cousin telling him what had just took place. A day later he called me back telling me he had took care of the problem and it would not happen again.

Now, I was a white man, but that night all it had to be was someone this deputy did not know, color did not matter. And if it had of been many other people, there would have been big trouble, for he was looking to make a name for himself during his 1st week of being a deputy sheriff. After a while he mellowed, yet many never mellow, the more experience they get, the more they love to show their authority, pushing people around on whosoever happens to be the next person they stop. Sadly across this country we have many of this type of people wearing a badge with a gun strapped to their side.
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I've seen some great cops, good cops and some pretty bad and wicked ones too in my life. Like our population, most are lost sinners and therefore immoral people. Our Nation erred when it allowed folks who do not believe in Christ into all areas of public service. There is no righteousness or light in even their best works as they are lost sinners in need of a savior too.

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The bad thing is that many times the good cops will take up for, take care of, the bad one.

Once a man was being questioned in our county jail. For some reason this man was shot. Yet they were in a place were guns were not allowed. Yet the gun belonged to one of the cops & it was proved that the bullet came from this cop's gun that killed the prisoner. They had an investigation, it was declared that the cops did no wrong even though one of them failed to check a pistol that he had in his pocket as he entered that area. He did check in the gun that he wore on his hip.

There was another indent where a prisoner in our country jail was beaten up while being questioned. He had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance, not from a jail cell, but from the room they questioned suspects, he had to spend a few days in the hospital. His face resembled hamburger meat. They had a big investigation but deemed none of the 5 cops that were in the room were responsible for the prisoner being beat up & having to be hospitalized.

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In the next county over they would lock up every out of town black they could get their hands on. If the blacks didn't plead guilty then the DA would sit on their case, forcing them to spend weeks, months, up to 365 days in that old, run down county jail, before getting their case going.

In the meantime, they would arrest the local whites who might get in trouble, along with the ones they didn't like, and if a particular white wouldn't cooperate they would drag the white to where the city blacks were being held, tell the blacks this white guy said they were all "stinking ni**ers" and that he would love to hang them, and then the cop would shove the white guy into the cell and say "have fun Tyrone", and walk off.

The city, county and state police departments in that town have long been known for corruption. The cops act more like gang members than police.

One of the city cops used to go around having sex with teenage girls in his police car with other area cops covering for him. Eventually, after some years the heat started building up about this so they arranged for him to transer into the county police where he kept doing what he was before. So far the only "punishment" he has ever received is not getting elected when he ran for sheriff.

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In the meantime, this is how America helps the cause of Christ in other countries:


This reflects the state of religious freedom in that country ten years after the United States first invaded it and overthrew its Islamist Taliban regime.

In the intervening decade, U.S. taxpayers have spent $440 billion to support Afghanistan's new government and more than 1,700 U.S. military personnel have died serving in that country.

The last public Christian church in Afghanistan was razed in March 2010, according to the State Department's latest International Religious Freedom Report. The report, which was released last month and covers the period of July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, also states that "there were no Christian schools in the country."

Most Christians in the country refuse to "state their beliefs or gather openly to worship," said the State Department.

The report acknowledged that Afghanistan's post-Taliban constitution, which was ratified with the help of U.S. mediation in 2004, can be contradictory when it comes to the free exercise of religion.

While the new constitution states that Islam is the "religion of the state" and that "no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam," it also proclaims that "followers of other religions are free to exercise their faith and perform their religious rites within the limits of the provisions of the law."

However, "the right to change one's religion was not respected either in law or in practice," according to the State Department.

"Muslims who converted away from Islam risked losing their marriages, rejection from their families and villages, and loss of jobs," according to the report. "Legal aid for imprisoned converts away from Islam remains difficult due to the personal objection of Afghan lawyers to defend apostates."


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