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"My Master, lead me to Thy door": ear offered in lifelong commitment


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You said matters of personal preference.

I never said a thing about guys policing women with regards to pierced ears. In fact, in my example it was the male who had his ears pierced.

I also said nothing about anyone making their personal preferences binding on anyone else. What I spoke to was the fact Scripture calls us to lay aside our personal preferences for the sake of Christ. We should willingly abstain from anything that might limit our witness, taint our testimony, tarnish the name of Christ, hinder our pursuit of holiness for His glory and honour.


Well, I don't necessarily disagree with that.

The fact is that other people's personal preferences are often so subjective that it's other people's entire responsibility. Once one gets beyond doctrinal and moral error, there are many matters which don't impinge objectively on a person's sanctification: at the very least, it has to be left to the individual. Certainly at my local church this is what tend to be practised.
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Well, I don't necessarily disagree with that.

The fact is that other people's personal preferences are often so subjective that it's other people's entire responsibility. Once one gets beyond doctrinal and moral error, there are many matters which don't impinge objectively on a person's sanctification: at the very least, it has to be left to the individual. Certainly at my local church this is what tend to be practised.

It should be hoped a local congregation would act more in one accord rather than as a bunch of individuals.
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It should be hoped a local congregation would act more in one accord rather than as a bunch of individuals.


Wow, even with something as personal and subjective as earrings/ear piercing? (Maybe you didn't mean this.) Anyway, in our local church people just wouldn't do that.

Again, I thought the theme of servanthood was worth a thread; I didn't think that we needed to become negative about personal and subjective likes and dislikes.

Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut for a while and see if anyone else has something edifying to say about the main theme. Edited by farouk
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Wow, even with something as personal and subjective as earrings/ear piercing? (Maybe you didn't mean this.) Anyway, in our local church people just wouldn't do that.

Again, I thought the theme of servanthood was worth a thread; I didn't think that we needed to become negative about personal and subjective likes and dislikes.

Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut for a while and see if anyone else has something edifying to say about the main theme.

Again, I was speaking to the general issue of what falls into the category of "personal prefernces", which is a very broad area, and not to anything specific.

When we come to Christ we become a part of the family of God. Scripture tells us how the early Christians were of one accord and how we are to be so today even as Father, Son and Spirit are. People should be able to look at us and tell we are Christians, we are of the family of God and in some cases, even that we are all members of the same local church.

Again, this is speaking to the general aspects and not to anything specific.

If we are truly submitting ourselves to servanthood we will do as Paul said, not hinder ourselves with anything of our own or of the world, but rather we will lay aside all for the sake of fighting the good fight as a soldier of Christ.

Are we willing to be that servant who truly obeys God in all things, who truly lays aside self for the sake of Christ?
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Yes, I understand your outlook on the subject at hand.

Ro 12:1 ¶ I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Ro 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

As John stated, Poking holes in your ears is following the world, its not being transformed, presenting your body a living sacrifice by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

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Yes, I understand your outlook on the subject at hand.

Ro 12:1 ¶ I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Ro 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

As John stated, Poking holes in your ears is following the world, its not being transformed, presenting your body a living sacrifice by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

After reading this thread, I think everyone is on a different page. Farouk has been talking about women peircing their ears and not men. John81 brought in men piercing their ears. Farouk has not been talking about men piercing their ears this whole time, only women.
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After reading this thread, I think everyone is on a different page. Farouk has been talking about women peircing their ears and not men. John81 brought in men piercing their ears. Farouk has not been talking about men piercing their ears this whole time, only women.

Actually the discussion is supposed to be about our willingness to be true, full servants of God. What is more important in a Christians life, pursuing ones own personal preferences or laying aside such things for the sake of giving ourselves fully to Christ?

This question applies to the entire very broad category of what so many claim is within the area of "personal preference". The issue of piercings was only one of several things mentioned for illustration purposes. Could I pierce my ears? Sure, but would that advance the cause of Christ? No; but it could certainly damage my ability to be a fully effective servant of Christ.

As stated, this applies to many issues, from how we may dress (hippy or outlaw biker), to drinking beer, the kind of music we listen to, the peope we hang with, the places we go, what we do for entertainment, etc. All these and so many more are proclaimed by many to be areas of "personal preference" without regard to what a variety of Scripture may say to each one and how such effects ones walk with Christ and service for Him.
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This is what was originally stated in the 1st post in the very last paragraph.

"But I know my heart's interest: I wanted my commitment inside to be seen outside. I wanted the second hole to be a sign of obedience and a mark of ownership."

Punching holes in ones ears to show they have made a commitment to the Lord, is 100% worldly, not godly. The commitment one makes to the Lord is in the heart, and it should show by the life one lives for the Savior, that is who they obey, in being transformed and not conformed to the ways of the world.

Ro 12:1 ¶ I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Ro 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

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This is another verse on the theme of Biblical servanthood that I like, and which is widely sung by Christians in the English-speaking world:

'This is our God, the Servant King,
He calls us now to follow Him
To bring our lives as a daily offering,
Of worship to the Servant King.

The author is Graham Kendrick and it almost immediately became very popular among Christians a number of years ago; there is a very expressive quality about the words which many Christians can relate to as they consider the theme of humble submission to the will of God, exemplified by the Lord Himself in a wondrous way.

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This is another verse on the theme of Biblical servanthood that I like, and which is widely sung by Christians in the English-speaking world:

'This is our God, the Servant King,
He calls us now to follow Him
To bring our lives as a daily offering,
Of worship to the Servant King.

The author is Graham Kendrick and it almost immediately became very popular among Christians a number of years ago; there is a very expressive quality about the words which many Christians can relate to as they consider the theme of humble submission to the will of God, exemplified by the Lord Himself in a wondrous way.

The problem is, Christians often sing such songs but they don't live them no matter how popular the song is.

"Trust and Obey" is a great song and some Christians still sing it today, but do they "trust and obey"?

"What a Friend We Have In Jesus" is great, but how many Christians sing that and then go forth as if they can and are facing the world on their own?

How many sing "my all I surrender" yet they won't even attend church faithfully let alone actually surrender their will to His?

I agree that studying the servant aspect is important. The most important part of such a study is to put it into practice in all areas of our lives. We are called to pursue holines, for as His servant, we are to become more like Him each day.
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The problem is, Christians often sing such songs but they don't live them no matter how popular the song is.

"Trust and Obey" is a great song and some Christians still sing it today, but do they "trust and obey"?

"What a Friend We Have In Jesus" is great, but how many Christians sing that and then go forth as if they can and are facing the world on their own?

How many sing "my all I surrender" yet they won't even attend church faithfully let alone actually surrender their will to His?

I agree that studying the servant aspect is important. The most important part of such a study is to put it into practice in all areas of our lives. We are called to pursue holines, for as His servant, we are to become more like Him each day.


Yes, well I would agree with what you say.

It's not just talking the talk but walking the walk.
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