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Should pictures of Osama with fatal injury be shown?


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  1. 1. Should pictures of Osama Bin Laden be shown?

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I don't see where we, the United States, its president, its military, had the authority to bury him at sea. I understand why they did, yet that is way overstepping their authority.

This will just cause more hate towards this country, there was already enough of that.

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This is my 2 cents...I don't know what good pictures of Osama dead shown on TV will achieve.

In the U.S. 1800s and early 1900s, they used to take pictures of dead oulaws in their "pine box"
and run them in the papers and periodicals. I've seen them on TV when they have a show about
old west outlaws.

I don't know what effect they were attempting to put forward, maybe scare other outlaws away
from crime? Or, evidence for some reward?

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Some say the pictures should be released as "proof" he's actually dead and was killed as we have been told.

Many simply want to see the body out of morbid curiosity.

No doubt, many in the media would love to have the pictures for the sake of making money off them. Likely as not, others would use the photos to make money in other ways as well.

Myself, I don't care to see them and I don't really see that there could be more positive benefits from releasing the pictures than there would be negative consequences from their release.

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I don't see where we, the United States, its president, its military, had the authority to bury him at sea. I understand why they did, yet that is way overstepping their authority.

This will just cause more hate towards this country, there was already enough of that.

No, our government had the right and the authority to hang his sorry carcase on a pole at "ground zero" if they chose to. But then we are not like al quaeda.
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No, our government had the right and the authority to hang his sorry carcase on a pole at "ground zero" if they chose to. But then we are not like al quaeda.

Let's not forget that Christ died for Osama too and unless one is a hyper-Calvinist, God didn't want to see Osama die in his sins.
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Bin Laden Appeared to Be 'Reaching for a Weapon' Before Fatal Shot, Official Says

If people in army type clothing broke into my house I woudl probably reach for a gun if one was close to me. Surely one cannot down a man reaching for a gun when such people breaks into his house with his family members there.

CIA Boss Says U.S. Will 'Ultimately' Release Bin Laden Photo
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Let's not forget that Christ died for Osama too and unless one is a hyper-Calvinist, God didn't want to see Osama die in his sins.

Yes, we know that.
Unless he called on Jesus sometime before that last split second, too late....Osama already died in his sins.
Governments are ordained as a terror to evil works....
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By your estimation or do you have a chapter and verse?

Your previous post, the statement, seemed more about vengeance, revenge, than anything else. It seemed to completely lack any grace. It sounded much like one would hear in old west when they were wanting to charge the jail, take the prisoner, and hang him without a trial.

With our country practicing assassinating people inside or outside of this country, it goes completely against the American way, the constitution.

God does not give any government the authority to go out and assassinate people.
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Osama Bin Laden sent many people to hell prematurely. Just as a matter of fact way of putting it. I do not think God is upset that he was finally given justice. I can't believe even Christians seem to have more pity on the criminal than on the victims. And yes, God does give government the authority to do what is needed for the country. This man was not only an enemy of our country, he was the enemy of Israel. That alone should rest any argument. God has a big, huge problem with people who are enemies of Israel.

As far as the picture...I do think some proof needs to be given in a general sense, since the body was disposed of so quickly.

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Your previous post, the statement, seemed more about vengeance, revenge, than anything else. It seemed to completely lack any grace. It sounded much like one would hear in old west when they were wanting to charge the jail, take the prisoner, and hang him without a trial.

With our country practicing assassinating people inside or outside of this country, it goes completely against the American way, the constitution.

God does not give any government the authority to go out and assassinate people.

Well, you believe whatever you want. But there are many verses in the Bible which don't agree with you.Here's one for starters.

Romans 13: 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Here's another....

Judges 3:But when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man lefthanded: and by him the children of Israel sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab.
Now, if you will read on, you will find that God's appointed "deliverer" assassinated the king of another country..... Edited by heartstrings
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