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OWN or the Oprah Winfry Network will be airing a show I saw advertised on A&E. So, I don't get OWN and will not be watching the 10:00 PM EST presentation of "Our America" with Lisa Ling..."Pray the Gay Away?"

I went to OWN website and saw the following posted comment...

Posted: Sun 3/6/2011 3:39 PM.matthewespo : Like Luke91205, I am offended at the sneak peaks I have seen thus far. As a gay man, these clips give the viewer the impression that sexuality is malleable and can be changed if you "pray the gay away". Which is not the case. Multiple psychological organizations have denied that sexuality can be changed through therapy, and these ex-gay practices are actually doing more harm than good. I really hope the episode shines a light on the fact that sexuality is not chosen. Rather than what I have been seeing so far in these sneak peaks. I love Oprah and Lisa Ling, but I can say I am disappointed. Rather than focus on someone being ex-gay, why didn't they shine a light on the positive aspects of the gay community. Rather than this self-hatred that is shown. If I were a questioning youth was watching this, I believe this would make the child believe sexuality is a choice through "praying", and a cycle of self hatred will occur because they will realize that it is something that cannot be changed.

Any of you out there with an IFB perspective going to be watching this? I would like to hear several IFB comments if possible and even mix in some non-IFBers comments.
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I don't have a tv, so I won't be watching it. I wouldn't even if I had a tv. I do not want anything to do with Oprah...

If she is indeed presenting someone who is formerly gay and this person explains that it is through Christ that she is not any longer, that is good. But, that fellow is right. It isn't something that can be prayed away. Too many people think that all things take is prayer...any prayer, to any god. We all know that isn't the case, and that it takes the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to conquer any sin. IF that is the way it's presented, great. If not, if it's just a generic praying away, then more harm than good is done, IMO. And, knowing what I do about Oprah's "spirituality," I question whether or not she will have a true Christian on her show for any other reason than to poke holes in their beliefs.

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I don't have a tv, so I won't be watching it. I wouldn't even if I had a tv. I do not want anything to do with Oprah...

If she is indeed presenting someone who is formerly gay and this person explains that it is through Christ that she is not any longer, that is good. But, that fellow is right. It isn't something that can be prayed away. Too many people think that all things take is prayer...any prayer, to any god. We all know that isn't the case, and that it takes the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to conquer any sin. IF that is the way it's presented, great. If not, if it's just a generic praying away, then more harm than good is done, IMO. And, knowing what I do about Oprah's "spirituality," I question whether or not she will have a true Christian on her show for any other reason than to poke holes in their beliefs.

We all know Oprah from the youtube videos, I hope this isn't her philosophy on Christianity. I share many sentiments with you. We have a chance to see what ex-homosexuals say. I would take it as a learning experience in how to speak to this particular sin. I don't get the channel so, I would be interested on an IFB perspective of what is presented. Is it more of the homagenda getting air time or a real look at those who have turned away from the sin by God saving them? What information might be gleaned for discussion when refuting their argument to one of their perspective converts? If someone here does watch, I hope they take notes and post them here. Maybe as a book/movie review.
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Oprah is not a friend of Christians. true Christians that is, her show has constantly taught a form of religion. She has mislead millions, and continues to do so.

Oprah + Christian

Jerry, I know and agree with you. How can she be a Christian and believe there are many paths to salvation. I would just like to have more insight into what those who have been turned over to a "reprobate mind" have told kids to get them to believe the lie. What is their dogma ? How do some justify themselves in light of scripture. I want to be able to show a confused kid who they are proselytizing where the error is. I want to have the ability to go beyond the gospel if I am pressed.

If anyone is wondering...I'm not trying to see who watches the Oprah network. If my mother's house wasn't so far away I would drive there and watch it on her TV and report back here what I learned. It's too far and on too late to bother my mother and the drive home too.

So, I hope someone on here does watch the program at least enough to see where they are heading with it.
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