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If Mr. Trump got the republican nomination for president do you think he can win.



7 members have voted

  1. 1. If Mr. Trump got the republican nomination for president do you think he can win.

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I do think he does has a shot at winning because of one reason. He has money.

I think that gives him the opportunity to remain in the running longer, but not to actually win. Ross Perot and Mitt Romney both poured millions into their campaigns which kept them going longer than they othewise could have, but they walked away empty.
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The difference is that before the election hardly anyone nationally knew Ross Perot or Mitt Romney. Trump is a celebrity that the whole country knows about, that in itself gives him an edge over Ross or Romney. It worked for Regan.

Agreed, he's well known, but how well liked is he? Many celebs are well known but not well liked. Even given that, you are correct that his name recognition does give him a bit of an edge than neither Perot nor Romney had.
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His hair piece is too hokey for any one to take him seriously as President.

:lol: Good poinit!

This guy also has a lot of baggage that would keep many GOP voters from supporting him. He also wouldn't look too good compared to Obama.

If anything, the most likely thing that would happen would be for Trump to add to the confusion in the GOP primaries, causing further splintering of votes between the various GOP hopefuls so that no clear winner comes forth, similar to last time around.

Of course there is always that unknown factor, as Bro Matt points out, which sometimes seems to come out of nowhere to sink or elevate a candidate unexpectedly.

It will be interesting to see who actually tosses their hat into the ring for this go around, and how soon they announce.

Newt has hinted he would let it be known in March whether he will run or not. There has also been much speculation that many of the GOP hopefuls will make their announcements in March. That's only a few weeks away now.
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I don't know if he could win...there wasn't an option for that, so I didn't vote.

He definitely has many problems, and would not be good for this country. I agree, though, that winning is a possibility because of his popularity. He seems to have money, but I don't know if he really does - remember not too many years ago he was talking bankruptcy.

And, for sure, his hair is laughable. Media cartoonists could have a heyday with that. And here's a thought: he could be a spoiler. In other words, he could come in, take the GOP nomination and then basically hand the election over to BO. I seriously don't think he could win the nomination, but if he did, it could be for that purpose...

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Newt is ones of those who covets that office, yet I believe he is one that cannot win the election. He si well known in politics, yet he gets few votes in that straw poll.

Mr. Trump would trump Newt.

Celebrity status, as Bro. Matt mentioned.

Edited by Jerry80871852
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Newt is ones of those who covets that office, yet I believe he is one that cannot win the election. He si well known in politics, yet he gets few votes in that straw poll.

Mr. Trump would trump Newt.

Celebrity status, as Bro. Matt mentioned.

Newt has proven himself unworthy, but the Party leadership would likely support Newt and that would give him an edge too.

Part of Trump's celebrity status is also made up of those who don't like him. Kind of like Rosie O'Donnell, she's well known, a celebrity, but many don't like her.
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Newt has proven himself unworthy, but the Party leadership would likely support Newt and that would give him an edge too.

Part of Trump's celebrity status is also made up of those who don't like him. Kind of like Rosie O'Donnell, she's well known, a celebrity, but many don't like her.

Yes, but 1st he has to get the nomination, I don't believe he can.
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