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2012 Tract


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Two small punctuation mistakes I found:

1. In the centre "Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came to earth..." should have a comma instead of a full stop.

2. The word "Bible's" on the fifth line from the bottom should have an apostrophe.

I think the white text on black background will be effective, and it's good that you have a fair bit of God's word in it, that's where the power is at (Heb 4:12). However, I don't like "the end of the world" theme you use, mainly because it's not doctrinally correct that God is going to burn up this earth any time soon, that cataclysmic event is still some time away, the Lord is coming back to rule and reign for 1000 years before He melts the elements with a fervent heat! So starting a new Christian off with the belief that the end of the world is coming soon is not spiritually healthy IMO.

Either way, I hope it wins many souls to Christ! amen.gif

Edited by Soj
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Two small punctuation mistakes I found:

1. In the centre "Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came to earth..." should have a comma instead of a full stop.

2. The word "Bible's" on the fifth line from the bottom should have an apostrophe.

I think the white text on black background will be effective, and it's good that you have a fair bit of God's word in it, that's where the power is at (Heb 4:12). However, I don't like "the end of the world" theme you use, mainly because it's not doctrinally correct that God is going to burn up this earth any time soon, that cataclysmic event is still some time away, the Lord is coming back to rule and reign for 1000 years before He melts the elements with a fervent heat! So starting a new Christian off with the belief that the end of the world is coming soon is not spiritually healthy IMO.

Either way, I hope it wins many souls to Christ! amen.gif

Thanks for the corrections. As the new Christian thing. This tract is not for new believers it is to get the attention of unbelievers who believe that the world will be coming to an end in 2012. God bless. :)
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As the new Christian thing. This tract is not for new believers it is to get the attention of unbelievers who believe that the world will be coming to an end in 2012.

I understand you are targeting unbelievers, and the purpose is to lead them to the truth in Jesus Christ. If they do believe that the world will end in 2012, and then they get saved, their world view should change and instead of looking for the end of the world they will look for the appearing of Jesus Christ. amen.gif

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I understand you are targeting unbelievers, and the purpose is to lead them to the truth in Jesus Christ. If they do believe that the world will end in 2012, and then they get saved, their world view should change and instead of looking for the end of the world they will look for the appearing of Jesus Christ. amen.gif

Do unbelievers think the world is going to end in 2012? Family Radio head said it would end in May 2011 and he claims to be a Christian..

I do not like this sort of message to the unconverted. It seems to me to say, "you think the world is going to end, so become a Christian." We should be saying that you should turn to Christ and repent, because you have sinned aagainst a Holy God who cannot abide sin. That Jesus who God sent to pay the price for our sins and will one day come again in judgment. (I am sorry if I have put this in a way that sounds critical but I mean it in love.)

Regarding the layout of the card. I think you have included too much on it for it to be easy to read. I would prefer to see 3 or 4 paragraphs. With the contact details well separated from the body.

My personal preference would also be for a typeface, such as "Times" as I find such easier to read than the Arial. Times (New Roman) was designed by The Times newspaper as a typeface to use for its publications as it was easy to read. It was adopted by many other newspapers. In more recent years The Times designed another typeface for their paper called "Times Europa" but I do not beleive that that caught on.

Try reading a newspaper using a serif face against a magazine which has a sans serif face and see which you find easier to read. (I admit that Times can look a bit old fashioned to some who only read magazines.)

However I trust that the Lord will bless the project.
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i think the tract is fine! None of us can tell how the Lord may use it to His glory. With the grammatical errors corrected, I believe it will be an effective witness for the Lord.
It gets people's attention because it deals with something that is on the mind of the unsaved almost all the time. Very good tract, in my opinion.

Edited by irishman
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