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CPAC sponsor drives conservative groups away


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CPAC fissure over gays deepens; GOProud called incompatible


But the memo, written under the moniker Conservatives for Unity, argued that there can be no common ground between gay rights conservative activists and social-issues conservatives, and said it’s time to settle the issue.

Countering the call for exclusion, Larry L. Eastland, a bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and an ACU board member, warned in a letter to fellow board members to “not be guilty of ‘casting the first stone’ on others’ sins.”

Referring to Christian conservative groups boycotting: But Christopher Barron, chairman of GOProud‘s board, said the boycott has been “a complete and total unmitigated disaster for the boycotters.”

“These are people who have been treated like clowns for years,” he said. “They’re not relevant, they haven’t been relevant, and it’s a disservice to the conservative movement to pretend that their boycott, their non-participation, is somehow symptomatic of a wider split in the conservative movement.”

With no clear front-runner for next year’s Republican presidential nomination, CPAC’s straw poll will be an early test of strength among the conservatives who dominate primaries. Many of the GOP‘s hopefuls will be speaking, including Sen. John Thune, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Missing is former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who said she has another commitment. Still, she told CBN this weekend that she didn’t question CPAC’s inclusion of GOProud, saying she is open to groups presenting differing opinions and “the more information that people have, the better.”

Article: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/feb/8/cpac-fissure-over-gays-deepens/?page=1

Edited by John81
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It's really sad to see so many professing Christians who are willing to yoke with nearly anyone and any group if they think it might help them elect a Republican.

Why not ask what should be a basic question. If the candidate or Party or organization that is calling themselves conservative is yoked with various wicked groups, just how truly conservative can they be?

Why are so-called "fiscal conservatives" even considered to be conservatives at all? Scripture clearly teaches that what today is called "social issues" are to be of far more concern to Christians than monetary policy.

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They're digging a pit for themselves if they make friends of those who dispise God. And...

Ecclesiastes 10:1 Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.

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They're digging a pit for themselves if they make friends of those who dispise God. And...

Ecclesiastes 10:1 Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.

:amen: And yet it seems many are looking to buy bigger shovels. :icon_sad:
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Why are so-called "fiscal conservatives" even considered to be conservatives at all? Scripture clearly teaches that what today is called "social issues" are to be of far more concern to Christians than monetary policy.

Considering that Christians are supposed to be good stewards of the money God gives them, I think you are wrong that Christians are to be more concerned with one area than another. Social and fiscal issues are important. Especially since the fiscal part supports the social part...
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Considering that Christians are supposed to be good stewards of the money God gives them, I think you are wrong that Christians are to be more concerned with one area than another. Social and fiscal issues are important. Especially since the fiscal part supports the social part...

Yes, we are to be good stewards of our money, and as you say both are important, which I think is basically waht I was trying to say. If we accept fiscal conservatism at the expense of social conservatism we've won nothing. God won't bless America because we elect leaders who may handle the money a little better than the guys there before while homosexual marriage becomes law, abortion continues without opposition, the pushing aside of God and Christianity continues, etc.

A TRUE conservative would be conservative across the board. Social conservatives, for the most part, are also fiscal conservatives and what Christians should look for. Meanwhile, those who call themselves "fiscally conservative and socially moderate/liberal" are not what we need and don't deserve the title of conservative.
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