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Warning: Scam Artist, Scott Korren, Preying on Ministers


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This guy called our church several months ago. Claiming he had been to our church. The article is right he was smooth I tried asking him several questions to trip him up. There was just one prOBlem He claimed he visited our church which unbeknown to him is very small. I knew right away he was lying. I contacted the police in the town from Florida he said he was from but of course they could do nothing. I contacted several news outlets in the area figuring they would warn others but they did nothing. Wanted to at least give everyone heads up. God bless. :)

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Warned, thank you. We as a church have determined to limit any help to someone who is not a member of the church to $25.00. WE are a small church and set on a main road. sometimes getting as many as 4 people a month coming through asking for help. It is amazing that people will try to scam God for money.

And the $25.00 idea takes the pressure off the preacher because he can say it is church policy. It is interesting to watch peoples attitude also, those truly in need will be really grateful for the help, and others will say, is that all. Just goes to show ya.

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Our pastor is very generous with local folks he knows have real needs but excercises great caution when someone unknown shows up with no more in mind than a handout.

It does help when area pastors cooperate in such matters. Depending on what the unknown help seeker says, our pastor will make a phone call or two and try and check them out. Some of these church gypsies (I like that) will sometimes drop another pastor or churches name hoping to bolster their chance of getting something. Being in a small town in a very rural area, our pastor knows or knows of most all the area pastors and churches and he'll call them.

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Food needed? We will put together a food box.

Need prescription filled (not pain meds) or otc meds for kids? Someone will go with you to pay for it.

Need a tank of gas or a utility paid? We will allow you to work in exchange for our purchasing it.

Money hand out? Nope.

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Pervious church that I was a member of had this happen.

One Sunday evening during church services a family stopped by telling their story of hardship, not having electricity, no food for their children.

They had a food pantry along with fresh meats. They fixed them up 3 big bags full of food, and offered this food to them, plus a member would go with them to get their electricity and gas turned on.

They got up mad and stomped out of the church doors never to be heard from again.

They emptied the 3 bags of food placing it back in the pantry, they had done their part, yet sadly that is not what such people always wants. For instants, this man was a drunk, all he actually wanted was more money to buy his next bottle. He was not the least bit worried about his wife and three children, just that next bottle.

Plus during that winter a larger church in the community paid their electric and gas bill each month directly to the company, and took food to their house each week doing this for the sake of these children, so that would have lights, heat, and food. It was during the time this church was taking care of them that they hit all the other churches in this area up for 'MONEY' with him hoping theses churches would provide him with his next bottle. Some of them fell for it.

Most of the time its dangerous to give such people money, even though they have their small children with them that just jerks at our hearts, while the fathers knows that many times the church will give "him" money because of our feeling towards his children.

Yet theses children may need our help very bad, and we need to do everything possible to make sure the children have their needs met.

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Food needed? We will put together a food box.

Need prescription filled (not pain meds) or otc meds for kids? Someone will go with you to pay for it.

Need a tank of gas or a utility paid? We will allow you to work in exchange for our purchasing it.

Money hand out? Nope.

The pastor of a previous church we attended often had people turn up asking for money. he would never offer money but would offer them what they said they needed it for. Two cases I remembr were:

One said he needed money for a train fare to London. Pastor said, "Meet me at the station and I will buy you a ticket." The man never turned up.

Another asked for money for food. Pastor said come to my house at such and such a time and I will ask my wife to make you sandwiches. The man never turned up.
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