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"Ban The Person Above You" Game


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Ban Samer cuz I didn't say that you said that...and because I'm not to blame for stuff that has nothing to do with me, and because....nevermind..I'm to blame anyway I guess! :mad:

hahahaha just kidding...hehe

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Ban Rachel because it's a bit of a long story, but once I moved into a different time zone and she started having to work a lot more, we weren't able to talk as much, and I guess there was some confusion and stuff, and cooties, and all that, but she's still a sweet girl and we're friends. :lol: But Ban Rachel anyway because I'd rather the less girlfriends the better anyway, and I thought I took all the precautions and everything, but anywayyyyy that's it, I'm totally getting eunuchized!! :D

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Ban Samer because complicated situations happen, like you can easily end up liking someone that's not God's will...just because that person has alot in common with you, and you even agree on all major doctrinal topics with that person....but somehow it's not meant to be..which is something I'll never figure out!

One of the biggest mysteries is how a girl or guy can meet someone of the opposite gender that's totally seemingly "the one" and still it's not God's will...I guess it builds patience and faith or something :frog

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Ban Kathie because yeah, and it's funny saying "ok, we're not going to be boyfriend/girlfriend, but just keep praying about it and seeking God's will, and talking to each other's parents," and somehow it degenerates into a de-facto relationship anyway! :lol: *Hides in a monastery!*

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