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10 Most Glaring Problems

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Could you tell me what might be the 10 most glaring scripture problems with the NIV?

Also, why doesn't someone publish a modern translation from the TR, if that would eliminate the simplicity issue?

I use KJV, I love it. I love the poetic nature of it...it is like music and makes it easier to remember. It is also beautiful, which translated into our English it would lose those qualities.

Hey why doesn't someone translate Shakesphere into modern day English? Now THAT would have helped me a lot in school:)) Oh well, part of the torture we must all endure I guess;/

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Could you tell me what might be the 10 most glaring scripture problems with the NIV?

Not sure of any problems, you mean like contradictions etc within the translation?

Also, why doesn't someone publish a modern translation from the TR, if that would eliminate the simplicity issue?

It's called the NKJV.

I use KJV, I love it. I love the poetic nature of it...it is like music and makes it easier to remember. It is also beautiful, which translated into our English it would lose those qualities.

I agree many verses just flow in the KJ English, modern translations make it sound vulgar and rugged compared to the KJV.

Hey why doesn't someone translate Shakesphere into modern day English? Now THAT would have helped me a lot in school:)) Oh well, part of the torture we must all endure I guess;/

Shakespeareans would rather die than see that happen, though there probably already is. Never read any of that stuff myself though, kind of get put off by the worship the guy receives, people blowing out of proportion his skills as a writer, and start adding in meaning to his text that probably wasn't thought of by him.


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Yeah Way of the Master did do that, it's called the "Comfortable KJV". I don't like it coz I have a love for my KJV, but not sure that it would be wrong to have or not.


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[quote]It's called the NKJV

Not sure exactly how accurate that version is, but I know there was a professing homosexual on staff and that doesn't make me excited to try it out. :roll:[/quote]

There was? Who?

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[quote]It's called the NKJV

Not sure exactly how accurate that version is, but I know there was a professing homosexual on staff and that doesn't make me excited to try it out. :roll:[/quote]

It makes me laugh whenever I hear that, as far as I know their is at least one homosexual in every modern translation. :lol:


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So would you advocate a version of "God's Word" that was helped translated by a sodomite?

Where did I say that, lol or even imply it.

And I don't think all of them did. In my Bible it pointed out the NIV and NKJV as having them on staff.

I find it humorous because I have heard that accusation against ever MV translation, some have a factual basis (I believe in the NIV there was a 'closet' homosexual) but most times it seems be a quick easy accusation to throw.

I can't speak for the NKJV I have no idea, didn't research it out, I just commented on the fact that I hear the homosexual on staff comment all the time.


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