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IFBX Pastor talks about the Bible on national TV!!!

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This independent Baptist pastor, Steve Anderson, was interviewed by the American Bible society on national television:
Click on the link below and scroll down to episode 30 to watch the interview.

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and here's the link to Pastor Anderson's website:
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We are not interested in your pastor here - we are already familiar with him and his doctrines, and have chosen not to listen to him. Please do not waste your time continuing to promote him over and over on this website. If he cared to continue to fellowship with us, no doubt he would still post here - he does not because this website and Anderson do not (nor ever will) see eye to eye on various issues/doctrines.

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Isn't he the preacher who destroyed a television set recently in his pulpit? Interesting that he thinks television is of the devil, then he uses it to try to get his message out. Hmmm .....

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this website and Anderson do not (nor ever will) see eye to eye on various issues/doctrines.

Is there a prior thread on this? I'm personally interested in what the eye alignment issues are. I listen to his sermons via PodCast and have gone through 4 or 5 of them so far (found them under iTunes searching for "fundamental" and "baptist".

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Go to the "Members" section and look for "sanderson1769." You can review all his postings from his profile. He defends easy believism, thinks gynecologists should not be male, and is against a pre-trib rapture. He also corrects the Greek with the KJV. He calls himself a "hard" preacher; that's not exactly what I'd call him.


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it should be "I worship God until the day I died" but it is true that we wouldn't know who God is if it wasn't for the bible, but it was HE that let himself known through bible. You can destroy the bible in a fire, but you can't destroy God. Is Anderson is in hyles group? They always brag about 200 people being saved in their church.

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He went to Hyles' school for awhile I think but he blasts them (imagine that!) for certain things and blasts some of Schaap's preaching. He is an entity unto himself.

Hehhehehehehe, he is one strange bird, that's for sure. :lol::lol::lol: :lol:
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He tells those who ask him that he is against Hyles' easy believism, then he goes ahead and uses their methodology! He is against repentance and literally preaches that it is a false Gospel. He believes all the old time preachers of the faith and sound commentators were all heretics because they taught repentance was necessary for salvation. He teaches that the church will go through the Tribulation. He believes his Bible is Jesus. There are some other quirks but that is all I can remember for now.

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If Pastor Anderson is interested we could have a formal debate here on OB to discuss repentance. Pastor Anderson, just send me a PM if you are interested.

The forum would not be open for everyone to debate, just a selected few.

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If Pastor Anderson is interested we could have a formal debate here on OB to discuss repentance. Pastor Anderson, just send me a PM if you are interested.

The forum would not be open for everyone to debate, just a selected few.

No response so far, I take it that no one is interested. I know I sure ain't :)
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