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Why so many anti Ruckman?

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I have been looking around and saw many anti Ruckman comments. Why are thee so many anti Ruckman folks on here? Even if you do not agree with him on everything. You will still agree with him about 95% of the time.

As an example I do not agree with my wife 100% of the time but I still love my wife and she is a good wife. Ruckman has helped many people out in the ministry. He has had many attend PBI his college. He has stood up for the KJV for many years. Just to name a few good things that Dr. Ruckman has accomplished.


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I guess that depends on how you perceive something as being good or a positive influence. If you mean that he's given KJVO'ers a bad name, given Christ a bad name through his coarse language and bad attitude, and given Baptists in general a bad name due to his over-zealous defense of the KJV that is often devoid of logic and includes extra-biblical doctrines, then yes, I suppose he's done some good stuff. :hide

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I'll have to disagree with you on your points. There are many good churches in our nation that have been started by his students. They are out there doing a good job for the Lord. Do you think this is bad?


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I agree with Kevin about Ruckman.

I'm sure there are many good people who studied after him. Everyone is responsible for himself in pleasing God. We judge each person on his own merits, not by who he studied after. Of course if those people push hard the doctrines of Ruckman, I would have to disagree with them as well.

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Do you think that also disqualifies him from being an author and running a college?


Completely and without question. If a man cannot lead his own family in the right ways of the LORD not to mention just keeping it together, how is he going to lead young men and women properly. :roll :roll :roll :roll :roll

You say you don't agree with your mate 100% of the time. No-one does, but she didn't throw you away either.
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I agree with you, we should We judge each person on his own merits. I see good fruits from Peter S. Ruckman.


To be honest, I've seen good "fruits" from lost people.

I'm not saying he's never done anything good. But I would never follow him or study his teachings. I disagree with his methods and his extreme extra-Biblical views.
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I agree, an individual is judged by what he does, not what college he went to, though that may indicate what he believes. I'm not sure what fruit you are talking about. All I've seen is negativity, bad attitudes, crudeness, and extra-biblical teaching coming from Ruckman. Although, all attitudes aside, his gross doctrinal error would be enough for me to have nothing to do with him.

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Let me start by saying I am not here to fight you over any man. That being said, I have read many of his books. His books have taught me more about the Bible than any other books I have ever read.

C.I. Scofield was all married more than one time. He left his wife and small child. That being said many I.F.B. folks use his reference Bible. I also use his reference Bible, it is a wonderful Bible. If you will not read Ruckman because he was married more than one time maybe you also need to get rid of your Scofield Bible. C.I. Scofield also had a church and a college after his 2nd marriage. I am not saying that is right or wrong. I'm just pointing out that Ruckman is not the only one with this problem.

C.I. Scofield did a good work for God as has Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. I will not put down men that have did more for God than I have. Both had some major problems, notwithstanding they still did a great work for God even with those problems.

Now if you want to fight over the Ruckman issue, I am not your man. You need to find someone else to fight with. I do not mind a disagreement from time to time. I do not agree with anyone 100%. This issue however is not worth fussing about. I have saw the fruits of his labor. Many of these fruits are good fruits. You can disagree with that if you like, but he has helped many men learn the word of God and I am one of them.

You can say what you wish about this issue. I know who has helped me grow closer to God. One of those men is Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. There are others as well. I have also heard Dr. Bob Grey preach as an example and he helped me some also. We all know he had some HUDGE problems. Far worse than C.I. Scofield and Ruckman put together. At the time his preaching was helping me learn the bible and how to be a better soul winner. I even still have some of his tapes somewhere.


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Now if you want to fight over the Ruckman issue, I am not your man. You need to find someone else to fight with.

You started the thread.... :wink

I know a few people who are "Ruckmanite" and we simply avoid the topic and continue our friendship. Hopefully we can do that in this case as well.
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