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"Scientists" once again stating that 14 Biblical Events never happened.

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"Scientists" have once again started an assault against the Christian faith, all the while stating that it's not an attack on any religion. We all know that any time "Scientists" say that there isn't an assault on anything they're lying. So, take a few minutes and go through these alleged "inaccuracies" or flat-out lies according to the "Scientists." Remember, we're supposed to "Trust the science." 


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That article by MSN is laughable. It sounds like it was written by a middle schooler. Nothing was "debunked". Sure, you can say there's no evidence that a large group of people wandered through the Sinai desert 3,500 years ago (which is a hilarious argument in of itself) but that doesn't debunked anything. 

Now here's something that can be easily debunked unless you work for MSN: a male and female are the same.


Edited by SureWord
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