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Another School Threat


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We just had our second threat towards our county school district. This is a very small county population wise too. What you would consider a "country school". The first was towards the middle school and yesterday towards the high school. Both threats came from neighboring school and one from another state and none would probably have happened without social media and parents just letting their kids do whatever they want on their phones/computers. The school poobahs allowed phones in the school with unrestricted usage until the governor put his foot down and boy did a lot of the moms complain about that on the school FB page. They are still allowed on the buses though. None of the school board poobahs have ever driven a school bus nor understand the added stress this causes to the drivers (only the Special Needs buses have bus aides). No wonder we are so short of drivers. Last year I had a 1st grader showing nude pictures and videos of him and his brother to other kids on my bus and another bus driver had a 2nd grader showing hardcore porn videos to other kids. On two separate occasions on my bus 911 was called by kids fooling around and I was pulled over by the police to get checked on. None of the poobahs had their days or lattes distrupted.

There will be no end to this anytime soon. If you have children and can send them to a good Christian school (many are not good) or homeschool them you really should. I know it's not possible for everyone but if it's in your power to take ahold of their education you should seriously consider it. 

Edited by SureWord
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39 minutes ago, SureWord said:

We just had our second threat towards our county school district. This is a very small county population wise too. What you would consider a "country school". The first was towards the middle school and yesterday towards the high school. Both threats came from neighboring school and one from another state and none would probably have happened without social media and parents just letting their kids do whatever they want on their phones/computers. The school poobahs allowed phones in the school with unrestricted usage until the governor put his foot down and boy did a lot of the moms complain about that on the school FB page. They are still allowed on the buses though. None of the school board poobahs have ever driven a school bus nor understand the added stress this causes to the drivers (only the Special Needs buses have bus aides). No wonder we are so short of drivers. Last year I had a 1st grader showing nude pictures and videos of him and his brother to other kids on my bus and another bus driver had a 2nd grader showing hardcore porn videos to other kids. On two separate occasions on my bus 911 was called by kids fooling around and I was pulled over by the police to get checked on. None of the poobahs had their days or lattes distrupted.

There will be no end to this anytime soon. If you have children and can send them to a good Christian school (many are not good) or homeschool them you really should. I know it's not possible for everyone but if it's in your power to take ahold of their education you should seriously consider it. 

I'm sorry, but most Christians jump to the attitude that "Christian" schools are the answer. Most are just a public school with the word "Christian" shoved in front of the name....the there are the ones like the one I grew up in...Peoria Christian School, that was like a public school in some ways, with the Bible, Christian Flag, etc pledges recited every day. The problems with the on I went to was that I went to is that they allowed immigrants (in our case, it was the Grand National Tai Kwan Do of S. Korea, to come as students. They no more knew the Lord or had interest in his ways than an elephant has in the ways of the lion) and troubled American children to be students. In the five years that I attended PCS we had one student who was removed with sexual related problems. Then, a frien of mine who was very troubled was arrested and removed from the school because he had tried to kill his mother, shooting her in the face. In the weeks preceeding this action he had run away from home and robbed a gas station in Kentucky, firing shots at the clerk. He did over 10 years in prison for attempted murder.  I would recommend that parents really check ANY school they send their children to, Christian or not. My siblings did a lot of homeschooling, and it worked well. The kids eventually went back to public or Christian schools, but they were on top of things. If parents keep an eye on what's going on, most of the time they'll know what to do. 

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