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Current heresies in christendom

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Hi all, blessings.

I've been in a number of different christian forums posting with others, and two main off beam teachings keep re-occuring and gaining popularity.

The first is baptismal regeneration.  Seems a whole lot of people get confused between the Holy Spirit empowering a group or individual, baptism by immersion and eternal salvation. And most forums, the individuals who adhere to baptismal regeneration don't get kicked out, but can just continue in there as long as they like.

The other- is lowering Christ's deity, so He is lesser than the Father.  Some Messianic Jews do this-- who haven't fully let go of Judaism.  Obviously.. Orthodox Jews do.. Unitarians do this a lot, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, among others.   These people also don't usually get kicked from a christian forum.  

Anyway.. your thoughts on these kind of beliefs and their prevalence?


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Baptismal regeneration actually came out of regular Baptists by a guy named Armstrong. Those churches are now called Church of Christ. It is an old heresy. I haven't run into in a while. They love this verse: Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Too bad for the thief on the cross, eh?

I personally think that the lowering of the deity of Christ naturally follows when the newer versions are used for study. 

Anyway there are a lot of heretics on forums. I got sick of it. That's why I landed here. ?


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10 hours ago, Joe Chandler said:

Baptismal regeneration actually came out of regular Baptists by a guy named Armstrong. Those churches are now called Church of Christ. It is an old heresy. I haven't run into in a while. They love this verse: Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Too bad for the thief on the cross, eh?

I personally think that the lowering of the deity of Christ naturally follows when the newer versions are used for study. 

Anyway there are a lot of heretics on forums. I got sick of it. That's why I landed here. ?


We've had our share show up here, too. 

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Yeah I should have mentioned Church of Christ.  I find it interesting how many COC churches have the same belief I do of a body of Christ being purely local.  It lends credence to the origins of the COC being baptist first and then going off beam. But that is one thing that I think many many believers unwittingly fall into.. is if they treat 1 co 12:13 as being baptism to enter the body of Christ.. how do they NOT make that baptism for salvation?    I think the main thing most do is say it is not water baptism.. but the Holy Spirit baptising.    But then.. where is that Holy Spirit baptism in scripture?  Washing by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.. that is not Holy Spirit baptism.  


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