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Climate change it’s 87° in February

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Hot heat news, hot weather numbers breaking everywhere. It’s probably fake News, but I can feel it. The Bible mentions, no to more flood, but fire will be at the end times. What kind of fire ? or heat can this be that is mentioned, during the end of time?

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On 8/11/2023 at 5:10 AM, TheGloryLand said:

Hot heat news, hot weather numbers breaking everywhere. It’s probably fake News, but I can feel it. The Bible mentions, no to more flood, but fire will be at the end times. What kind of fire ? or heat can this be that is mentioned, during the end of time?

I don't believe it's the heat from sunny and hot summers. It's funny, when I was a kid we LOVED the heat. Now it's just something for people to complain about other people destroying the ozone (and cows...can't forget the cows' part in all this). 

I believe I already mentioned this, but God promised more than not to flood the whole earth at once again, the rainbow being the token of that covenant.  HE also promised that "While the earth remaineth, seedtime [spring] and harvest [fall/autumn], and cold, and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Gen. 8:22

We will have all of our seasons, and that means the cold in winter (bringing lots and lots of snow and ice to many places) and the heat in winter (bringing high temps and dry weather to many places) will continue as long as the earth is here.

The Bible says the elements will melt with fervent heat when the earth is destroyed. (2 Peter 3:!0). A lot of people think that might be nuclear bombs or some such thing. But IMO, the elements refer to atoms, etc, and I think the melting is going to be along the lines of the A Bomb...I think that our Creator, by Whom the Bible says ALL things consist, will just let go of the elements He created that can cause meltdowns and extreme heat and kabloom, it's all done.  Now, that's my opinion of that verse (and Col. 1:17) so take it for what it's worth. lol

But I don't believe it will be the sun that causes it.

Unless it's all the suns in the universe that fall and melt everything.

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Sunspots. There have been more sunspots effecting the sun recently than usual. These spots increase solar activity. This can last from hours to weeks.

The summer of 1936 was hotter than this year.

A few days ago it reached the melting hot temperature of 67 degrees here in central Virginia.

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