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So I'm at another point in my life, where I'm tempted to ask God "Why?". I heard the other day someone mention that asking God "Why?" is not the right thing to do. We should instead ask "What?"    Here's an example.... https://embracing.life/article/when-you-find-yourself-asking-god-why


By asking “what?” instead of “why?” it puts God back on His throne. Asking “what?” suggests humility, trusting God. Asking “why?” suggests a hostility toward God’s character, that He isn’t really good or cannot really be trusted, or a belief that we know better than the Creator Himself. Ouch

So I would like to know where this admonishment is found in the Bible? Because even Jesus asked the Father "Why?"

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I don't believe there IS that kind of admonishment. I believe God fully understands when we, his creation, ask him "why?" He's our creator, Father (If we know Christ), and loves us. He knows we're human...but, as you stated even Jesus asked "why?" It's the human thing to do....but, even in asking why Christ followed through with the Father's plan, so should we. He gives us the strength to go on with the mission he has given us. 

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