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I remember a song or video the kids used to watch, vege-tales or something where the character sings "I can't wait to have patience, cuz patience is a wonderful thing". Remember those? Yeah, adults walking around all day with such in their heads....terrible. Anyway, the jest of the song was that "patience" is being able to endure the anticipation of something. I suppose it could include that, but that's not the root meaning of the word......I think the word means to be able to calmly withstand/endure adversity. I am going through some bad stuff, family stuff, and I would appreciate any prayers anyone could offer up for us. Thank you.


James 1:3-4 

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.



Romans 5:3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;



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I pray that the Lord give you and your family strength, during these trouble times. I learn to see, that when you’re going through tough times, just look around you and there’s other going through the same or worse. The Lord is in control of our families and our children, which are his anyway. Sometimes all you have to do is just let the Lord do His thing, just stand back pray, and watch.  Amen 

Take care

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