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Serving the Lord and what does this means

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What does it means, to serve the lord here on earth, apart from preaching the Word and evangelism. Can you please give me some examples, like cleaning the church, is that serving the Lord, cutting the grass of the church grounds, is that serving the Lord. Washing  the pastor car, is this serving the Lord. I believe, in this area some could be taken advantage of it’s members.  

I know that my post may sound negative sometimes, but believe me there are needed to be taken care of. The Word of God, and the church needs to be rightly divide it.  Amen


Be nice B T

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Anything you do for the Lord, in your walk with Him, would technically be in service to Him. Of course, that would not be what is typically referred to as fulltime service to the Lord (people usually use that term in reference to those involved in "the ministry", like missionaries, pastors, evangelists, perhaps even Christian teachers, preachers). When Jesus spoke about giving a cup of cold water in His name, that was in service to Him. When I help clean the church, collect the offering, share something from the pulpit, that is definitely in service to Him.

However, I don't think it has to be limited to things we do for our church family, or in regards to our church property or building, but could include ALL we do in His name as we walk with Him day by day. If we are not serving Him day by day, who are we serving? (No specific answer implied, just stating it to make us think.)

Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Edited by Jerry
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Can this also be abused, serving. Like taken care of the pastors kids, the person serving should be paid. Washing his car, this person should be paid. All personal services, should be paid for in my opinion. If they are not paid, this is abuse, and this works is not serving the Lord.

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If the pastor hires someone, they should be paid. If they - out of love for the Lord and their pastor - freely offer to meet certain needs, then that is good. BUT if he demands or expects people to do things for him and his family, etc. for free just because he is the pastor, that would be wrong.

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47 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Can this also be abused, serving. Like taken care of the pastors kids, the person serving should be paid. Washing his car, this person should be paid. All personal services, should be paid for in my opinion. If they are not paid, this is abuse, and this works is not serving the Lord.

Is it abuse? Some people would count these things as a ministry and not a job. So, should they be paid? It depends on what the two parties have agreed to. One who serves might not wish to be paid by the pastor. Others might. These should be discussed between the pastor and the party doing the work/service. 

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