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Actually, there are a number of sites and different fora (facebook etc) where he pops up teaching his pet issue.

And you can hardly say it is not his pet issue - he almost exclusively posts on that issue here - hardly anything else.

He has written book after book about that issue.

And the claim that nobody has ever shown anything wrong with his points is false - he simply refuses to talk and discuss, instead just telling everybody else they are wrong.

And no, I won't give examples, for the simple reason that he - and you  - simply attack and ridicule  anyone who opposes.

There is no chance for any constructive discussion about the tithe because your attitude will not allow such discussion.

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The ONLY sites that I have posted on in the last several months are Facebook, Twitter, my Forum, and my blog.   The Twitter posts are automatic from my blog.

I haven't been on any other sites in several months.  So, I don't keep "popping up on several sites".

As to my books, I have written only four on the subject.  I also have a fifth book on Grace.  These are all over a five year period.

edited to add:  Forgot about a sixth book I wrote.  A book of poetry and songs that I wrote in 2010.  

Edited by Standing Firm In Christ
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A simple search on your name brings up NOTHING  but tithe posts - "last several months" is an interesting qualifier - I didn't check dates, but assuming you are telling the truth, it is obviously only true of "the last srveral months", for there were a couple of different fora where someone posts the exact same arguments with the exact same attitude and tone you post with. Two or more pages of posts that reference you and tithing on Google - I didn't go any further than that.

And of course it isn't your pet issue - 4 out of 5 books - surely a poetry book doesn't count - and pretty much every post here......

And two pages of Google search.....

Nah, not a pet issue............

And considering these facts, with a presence on line like that, and all about a single issue, I personally think the title fits just fine.


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Actually, the book of poetry is recognized as a book.  It even has an ISBN number.

The only writing on the subject that I have done over the last several months has been on Facebook, my blog, which automatically assigns it to my Twitter account; and to my Forum. 

That's it.  I haven't been on other Forums in several months, (was even keeping silent on this one for a good amount of time)  If any of my recent posts are showing up in other Forums, it is because someone else has been posting them.  If others are using them, I don't mind.  It means the truth is being spread.

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#1 - the quote which was bolded does not attack SFIC. It simply states that Sorenson and SFIC teach the same thing on tithing. It is an assumption that Alan is then lumping SFIC into the next paragraph of "these teachers." 

#2 - SFIC, you did indeed state on a blog/forum, back when Ach was banned, that you were simply waiting to be allowed to debate tithing in the debate forum and then you would not be back on OB. That debate has never happened (and won't simply because we all know what you believe and teach because it has been repeated oft), but it seems that the only time you appear on the forum is when tithing is mentioned. That is your choice, of course, as it is the choice of the other 2 members who only appear at that time as well.

#3 - Alan's last post made it clear that he considered the thread closed. @Alan, as the creator of the thread, you can lock it whenever you feel it has run its course. I agree with PastorJ. It's time to lock this thread.

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