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Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell


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Hello all,

I recently finished the book, The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell, written by Oren Harari.  I found the book fascinating and helpful, it is not a Christian book, consequently many of the ideas need to be filtered through God's word.  None-the-less the people centric process of Colin Powell's leadership style and his driven nature to allow people the opportunity to make decisions within the framework of an organization are in my opinion long been lacking by many pastors and local church leaders. 

If you are looking for a book that will challenge your leadership style and give your mind food for thought I believe it is well worth the read.  I would give it B - .  278 pages.


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Colin Powell also wrote a biography called, "My American Journey," (with a co-author Joseph Persico). For a secular book, I thought the book  was worth reading.

3 hours ago, Orval said:

If you are looking for a book that will challenge your leadership style and give your mind food for thought I believe it is well worth the read.

I would probably say the same thing about the, "My American Journey," book. Colin's leadership style, determiniation, planning, goal setting and the action necessary to reach your goal, made the book a good read.

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5 hours ago, Alan said:

Colin Powell also wrote a biography called, "My American Journey," (with a co-author Joseph Persico). For a secular book, I thought the book  was worth reading.

I would probably say the same thing about the, "My American Journey," book. Colin's leadership style, determiniation, planning, goal setting and the action necessary to reach your goal, made the book a good read.


I also ordered Powell's book "It worked for me" but it will be on the back burner for a while, before I get to it.  He is a fascinating man whom I believe I will really enjoy reading about.  For years I was fascinated by Major General Orde Charles Wingate who died in a plane crash in 1944.  His history and what he accomplished in a mere 41 years is pretty amazing.  unorthodox in his approach to war but as it turns out he was on the leading edge of current military tactics.    

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7 hours ago, Orval said:

Major General Orde Charles Wingate who died in a plane crash in 1944.  His history and what he accomplished in a mere 41 years is pretty amazing.  unorthodox in his approach to war but as it turns out he was on the leading edge of current military tactics.    

Major General Wingate was a good military leader.

Wingate was raised a Christian, loved the scriptures all of his adult life, served as a British Officer helping the Jews in the 1930's, was a devout Zionist, and is loved by the Jewish Government up to this day. http://www.zionism-israel.com/bio/Charles_Orde_Wingate.htm

The military tactics that Wingate taught the Jews helped them overcome the terrorist attacks of the Arabs in the 1930's and up to this day his military tactics are a integral part of the military in Israel.

His military tactics as a British officer in other areas in the World War ll theater are also noteworthy.

Wingate was a devout Christian. He was raised in the Plymonth Brethren church and loved the Lord Jesus.

After he died, his wife, Lorna Wingate, in the War of Independence in 1948, in an effort to help encourage the Jews in their intense struggle for existance, had Wingate's personal Bible given to the Jews. The Jews had previously known of the love, devotion, and military help, of Wingate. The giving up of the Bible to the Jews to show support for their cause was an great moral booster to the struggling Jews. The Bible is now on display in the museum in Ein Harod, Israel.

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1 hour ago, Alan said:

After he died, his wife, Lorna Wingate, in the War of Independence in 1948, in an effort to help encourage the Jews in their intense struggle for existance, had Wingate's personal Bible given to the Jews. The Jews had previously known of the love, devotion, and military help, of Wingate. The giving up of the Bible to the Jews to show support for their cause was an great moral booster to the struggling Jews. The Bible is now on display in the museum in Ein Harod, Israel.

I was not aware of his giving of his personal bible, His Chindits, and his seed thoughts concerning American CIA and British M-6 (if what I read is true) were amazing.  I wrote a short article on him in 2007 and here is a short excerpt.

“Moshe Diane once said of Wingate “the first time he walked though our camp he had a pistol in one hand and a bible in the other and he knew how to use them both”.

Wingate was sent from Palestine to Abyssinia Ethiopia 1939 where he trained what he called his Gideon force about 2,000 soldiers. He then led Gideon force against an Italian force of nearly 20,000 and captured between 12,000 and 14,000 their men and won the victory.

From Ethiopia he was sent to Burma India in 1942 to fight the Japanese. He took the name ‘chinthe’ which was a mystical Burmese lion and called his force “Chindits” and he led them behind enemy lines where they did great damage to the Japanese war machine in the memoirs of WWII history the Japanese give great honor to Wingate.”

I am not into many leaders, but Wingate because of his impact on Israel even through today, is one of the exceptions. 

His tendencies to eat raw onions like apples and other quirks rankled the British aristocracy and stiffness of the military high ranking.  But, Churchill was a big fan of Wingate.

Alan, I delighted you are so familiar with this historic figure.

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One of my pastimes while on furlough is reading military history.

Wingate has been written about in most of the major military magazines available; Military History for one example.  Even to this day, in the Officer training schools in Israel, but in also in America (I suppose in Great Britian also), the military tactics and history of Wingate are well known.

I feel, the Lord also used Wingate in helping the fledging forces in Israel (before they became a nation), to overcome the terrorist activities of the Arabs and instruct the Haganah on military tactics. Wingates love for the scriptures, his devotion to Christ, his help for Israel, is also known in the realm of military tacticians, and the rulers of Israel to this day.

I would recommend the brethren to read about the history of Wingate.


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The Jews also adopted terrorist tactics.  There was the King Dvid Hotel bombing, Lord Moyne assasinated in Egypt and many others.  As a child in London, I remember underground trains rushing through some stations without stopping.  I asked my dad why and he said Jewish terrorists had threatened to bomb the stations.  That was the first time I had heard the word 'terrorists' so I asked why they were called that and he said because they caused terror.

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The atrocities committed by a handful of Jews is minor compared to the atrocities committed by the Arabs during the 1910's,  to this day.

The King David bombing, the Lord Moyne assasination is to this day repeated ad nauseam by the secular press, the Muslims, and others, the liberal church denominations, etc... while the brutal, inhuman atrocities and massacres committed by the Arabs for the last century are ignored. http://arabisraeliconflict.info/arab-israel-facts/fact-5-arab-violence

The Arabs massacred whole communities of Jews in 1920's, whole convoys of relief columns, and individual Jews as they walked the streets of Israel.

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