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Pastor Clifford Dartt


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He was pastor of an IFB church in upstate New York (near the Canadian border) about 20 years ago and I was his associate, youth and deaf pastor. Just wondering what happened to him, he had a bad heart and was 60ish back then.......

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Sim-Outhouse Forums > the Simulators > CFS2 General Discussion > Cactus Missions Progress
GhostriderJanuary 11th, 2009, 18:17
Not much, sadly - first time I met him, we were talking, and it was the usual - first, he was a marine, then I got him to admit he was a pilot, - oh a fighter pilot! In WWII! On "a little place called Guadalcanal"! Such a humble guy, I had to drag this much out of him! So I said to him "So you were in the Cactus air force?" He said "Wow - how did you know that? I haven't heard that in 60 years" I read a lot of books, I told him. The, he told me about this good friend of his named Joe Foss - I almost fainted. After some stateside duty, he flew Corsairs at Okinawa.

Wow - what a life. I'm also priveledged to have two other patients , one who sailed out of Pearl Harbor on 6 December 1941 on the CA Indianapolis, and went on to be the engineering officer on the Submarine USS Archerfish, which sunk the Shinano, (Paul Newlove) and another who won a Navy Cross on Peleliu (Now Rev. Clifford Dartt 3/5 Marines) They are all so kind and humble, and unassuming. Heroes in my book.

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Sim-Outhouse Forums > the Simulators > CFS2 General Discussion > Cactus Missions Progress
GhostriderJanuary 11th, 2009, 18:17
Not much, sadly - first time I met him, we were talking, and it was the usual - first, he was a marine, then I got him to admit he was a pilot, - oh a fighter pilot! In WWII! On "a little place called Guadalcanal"! Such a humble guy, I had to drag this much out of him! So I said to him "So you were in the Cactus air force?" He said "Wow - how did you know that? I haven't heard that in 60 years" I read a lot of books, I told him. The, he told me about this good friend of his named Joe Foss - I almost fainted. After some stateside duty, he flew Corsairs at Okinawa.

Wow - what a life. I'm also priveledged to have two other patients , one who sailed out of Pearl Harbor on 6 December 1941 on the CA Indianapolis, and went on to be the engineering officer on the Submarine USS Archerfish, which sunk the Shinano, (Paul Newlove) and another who won a Navy Cross on Peleliu (Now Rev. Clifford Dartt 3/5 Marines) They are all so kind and humble, and unassuming. Heroes in my book.


Yup, that would be him, former Marine, tough old bird..........not sure he's even alive these days.
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Yup, that would be him, former Marine, tough old bird..........not sure he's even alive these days.

I thought maybe you could join the above board chat to get the information you required. It appears the person is caring for him and it's this year!
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  • 10 months later...
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Has anyone on this board heard of Pastor Dartt? Perhaps know how he is doing now?

Thank you.

I know him, he's my grandfather. I found this sight by accident while seraching for a story about him for a class of mine. I didn't get a chance to read all the responses, so I don't know if you ever found him or not, but he is still alive. If there's anything else you would like to know I'd be happy to talk to you about him.
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I know him, he's my grandfather. I found this sight by accident while seraching for a story about him for a class of mine. I didn't get a chance to read all the responses, so I don't know if you ever found him or not, but he is still alive. If there's anything else you would like to know I'd be happy to talk to you about him.

Oh my goodness. This can't be for real. You are Pastor Dartt's grand daughter? How old is he now? Is his wife, Mrs. Dartt still on this side of glory as well? Is he still preaching? He always said he'd never retire from preaching and would be a happy man to pass on while proclaiming the Gospel.

He was always a straight shooter, some thought he was a bit tough (former Marine and all), but I always knew him to be a man with a big heart who wanted to see everyone saved and loved the saints and righteousness.

Is he back down in Florida (he used to talk about living in and pastoring in Jacksonville Florida)? My wife and I are taking my grand daughter to Florida on Saturday for a week to visit my parents who now live in the central part of the state.

If I recall correctly, Pastor Dartt had three daughters - starting with B.or J., C., and M. - (fairly tall girls as Mrs. Dartt was tall and slender and yes, my wife remembered their names, I couldn't). One of them married a fellow GI by the name of Steve R........(yes, I remember the last name but didn't want to be posting it on the internet for their privacy's sake). So you must be one of their daughters.......this is just way too cool. I had given up on even knowing what happened with him as I knew he was getting on in years.

I know when we were ministering under Pastor Dartt's guidance and instruction, we had three small children (one girl and two boys). They are all grown up, married and have given my wife and I a total of nine children.

Well, please let me know how he is doing.
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  • 1 year later...
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I only found this sight by accident but I thought it was so cool that I stumbled upon it and was able to help you with your answer. I am Jannise's daughter (his oldest daughter). He has been sick in the past few years but is doing better. I don't know much, I have little contact with him. He is living in north carolina with my grandmother. At first I wasn't sure if he was the man you were looking for but when you mention his 3 daughters, and them being fairly tall, their initials, and my dad's name I was sure it was him. I also have an uncle, my grandfather had 4 kids total, 3 girls and 1 boy. If you would like I could give you my mom's email (she would know a lot more than me) and if she felt comfortable she would even be able to give you his address so you could write him if you wished.

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  • 1 month later...
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Tiffany, thank you so much for the follow up postings. I would love to have your mom's email address. I will send my email to you via private message, please reply to that with any contact information you wish to share for your mom and/or Pastor Dartt.

Thank you.

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  • 7 months later...
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Pastor Dartt went heaven on November 1, 2012. He was 13 days shy of his 87th birthday. I had the privileged to attend the funeral Monday November 5, 2012. Pastor Dartt and his wife Pat celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on January 12, 2012. You view the obituary at www.cottenfuneralhome.com

This is what i posted on Facebook and the family had it read during the funeral. I know the family will not mind me posting here on this forum.

This past week America lost one of their heroes who fought for our freedom today. This past week we lost a great man of God who influenced thousands of people for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This past week we lost a preacher who preached the Word of God without apologies. He preached the Word of God whether it was convenient or not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching (2 Tim. 4:2).

Pastor Dartt was my first pastor who made an impact on my life as a youth growing up in church. Pastor Dartt was there for our family when my father was killed. He preached a funeral message in zero degree temperatures as hundreds of NY State corrections officers were standing outside in the parking lot. Pastor Dartt became a father figure to me and gave advice about my personal hygiene. I could go to Pastor Dartt for advice even though it was not what I wanted to hear but it was what I needed to hear. I will always remember Pastor Dartt’s prayer ministry. He was a praying man who walked around the parking lot in the spring and summer and the auditorium during the fall and winter. He believed in prayer and was always talking to His Heavenly Father. Pastor Dartt made a great impact on my life to which I am in debt to him because of his love and compassion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Navy Cross
Awarded for actions during the World War II
The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Private Clifford Ronald Dartt (MCSN: 941764), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty while serving as a Browning Automatic Rifleman of Company G, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Peleliu, Palau Islands, on 9 October 1944. Courageously working his way up the side of a steep enemy-held hill, Private Dartt succeeded in reaching the top of this strong fortification before any of his comrades and, immediately engaging twenty of the Japanese who were entrenched on the reverse slope, fired his weapon until an intense automatic barrage wounded him and knocked him twenty yards down the side of the ridge. Although severely burned when another bullet exploded a phosphorus grenade on his belt and ignited the ammunition pouch, he bravely proceeded a second time to the top of the ridge and, finding that a hostile bullet had jammed his weapon, tirelessly continued in his attempt to repair the gun until wounded a second time. His outstanding courage, devotion to duty and valiant perseverance were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
General Orders: SPOT AWARD, Fleet Marine Force Pacific: Serial 00436
Action Date: October 9, 1944
Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Private
Company: Company G
Battalion: 2d Battalion
Regiment: 5th Marines
Division: 1st Marine Division

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David, Thank you for posting about Pastor Dartt's passing. I had not heard until I read this. He was a great man and he will always have a special place in my heart. He was a man of courage and encountered many challenges. He always faced those challenges with strength, a firm backbone and yet showed love and mercy as God directed him. You are right, many a life was changed by Pastor Dartt and I know he will be greatly missed.

All the best to you, Patty and the entire family.

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