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Divorce and remarriage


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On 1/24/2016 at 11:36 PM, Ukulelemike said:

Of course, what we're dealing with in the OP is ostensibly two believers, and one leaves the other.  In the given case, the woman should be able to remarry, as he committed fornication against her-thus she is free. As well, while he MAY be a believer, he isn't living as one, and as such, he shoud be considered an unbeliever. A man who won't care for the needs of his own is worse than an infidel. We judge by fruits, right? So I'd say in all possible ways, she is worthy to be considered innocent in all this and able to remarry.

Wanted to expound on one point that makes this post so worthy of attention:

This helps explain why Biblical Church Discipline is so important.  While we can't judge the heart of someone who may profess to be a believer, we can take the prescribed Biblical steps towards officially treating him or her as if they were one. I think Christ's instructions are worded as they are for a reason:

Matt. 18: 15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established

17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

     Christ isn't saying that we can now know for a surety that he IS a Heathen, only that he is (from the Church's official standpoint) to be treated and considered as one.  In this case, we don't have to make decrees as to whether the offending party is or is not a believer (if they claim to be), because that is unknowable.  Rather, that as pertaining things such as adjudicating such marriage scenarios, we have a guideline from which to work.

Given the scenario in the O.P.  If the offending man refuses to repent of his ways, than the woman is no longer bound to him because he is to be considered as an outsider and an unbeliever.  But the Church should take those steps when possible.  It is not fair nor kind nor Christlike for modern Churches to refuse to take those painful and difficult steps of discipline when the scenario calls for it.   It protects the body, and protects the good name of innocent victims such as this young lady in this scenario......

Best wishes for her! :)

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8 hours ago, John81 said:

It's true no pastor or anyone else is perfect. The Lord graciously gave us His Word and calls us repeatedly to be in the Word, study the Word, know the Word and live by the Word. Our pastors are to help us in this but they are not infallible and we must check what they say by the Word and accept the Word is always right.

Our pastor is a wonderful man of God, a very good preacher and teacher, and honest enough to admit he's still growing in the Lord, still learning, and often points out he doesn't want us to take his word as gold and truth but to personally open our Bible, read and study for ourselves. That is so much better than some pastors I've had in the past who tried to put on an air of perfection.

As to the divorce and remarriage issue, if we simply read and accept the instruction given in the Gospels and Epistles on the matter it's rather plain and clear. What has muddled things up are rules added by man much as the Pharisees added their own rules to those God gave them in the OT.

Very true and apologies to all (especially Swathdriver) for being harsh in the tone of my response.

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this the bottomline why we have such problem, despite knowing the perfect will of God many of us (including me) chose to flirt with the permissive will of God in our lives

He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. MATTHEW. 19:8

For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously. MALACHI 2:16


I don't believe divorce and re-marriage is a solution; especially when Christians are involved, I know how it is to have a seemingly impossible relationship but as a christian we are called to love (1cor. 13) 

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