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Happy Thanksgiving!


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I don't know if everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, but it's good to always take the time to be thankful.  What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for our loving Heavenly Father, my Savior, God's precious Word, and His countless blessings on me:  my wonderful husband, my talented son, the rest of my family, my dearest friends, my church family and my internet friends -- just the tip of the iceberg!  I'm also especially thankful that hubby and I will be leaving tomorrow for a much needed weekend away at the family cabin for my birthday.  So excited!

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Amen! I am thankful to the Lord for all of His blessings... a home, food, clothing, fellowship with others, the blessing of living in a country where I can still read and study the bible, and most especially for salvation through Jesus Christ... the most precious gift ever. And I am also thankful for the blessed hope in the soon appearance of Jesus... the future promises of an uncorruptible body, and that I will one day soon be with the Lord... to be in His very presence... is a thought which sustains me through many difficult times. So thankful of the promises in the bible! 

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4 hours ago, WellWithMySoul said:

There are countless blessings that I am so very grateful for.  'Can't help but to think of John 21:25 - "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.  Amen."  HE loves me; ME!  Wow!  His works, His workmanship - made it so that I have the absolute privilege and blessing of ever saying that it is "well with my soul"!  

More specifically today, I am tremendously grateful for all of the answered prayers for journey's mercies.  My husband and I traveled about 120 miles on icy, somewhat snow-packed roads over mountain passes to get to our daughter's place yesterday.  At the same time, our daughter was also traveling over even slicker roads up and over higher mountain passes about 90 miles to get home from school - by herself.  Our youngest son and his family got caught in rush hour making it very late after already driving 400+ miles to also drive over dangerously icy mountain passes to join us..  I had been praying and praying for days about all of our traveling, and our gracious God indeed KEPT us all!  I'm also very thankful that we get to spend this time with 3 of our 4 kiddos.  This year none of the kids are in "harm's way" over in the "desert sands"...and this military mom is elated; my "babes" are all stateside!  :D

Praising Him!!!


Praise the Lord!

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