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Muslim Free Zone


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He speaks a lot of truth that for about the first 175 years of America would have been simply considered common sense. Today what he says isn't viewed so well.

There is a woman who owns a gun range which some time back she declared to be a Muslim free zone. Shortly after this latest attack by a Muslim she responded by saying things like that is exactly why her gun range is Muslim free.

While such ideas make headlines today, until the second half of the 20th century American's had the personal liberty to do or refuse business to and with whoever they chose for whatever reason, or no stated reason. Today such liberty has been greatly diminished and what little is left is constantly under attack and threat of being taken away as well.

Political correctness is a terminal disease which is forcefully being spread throughout the land. Only a few are taking a solid stand against this, and only a few of those are Christians doing what's needed most.

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Yes John but there is hypocrisy in all this.  The couple in Somerset who had to pay compensation to a homosexual couple they refused to let a room to, had their advertising cancelled by English Heritage where the got their orders through.  I only found that out recently and will cancel our English Heritage membership when it expires later this year.

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Our Muslim near neighbours invited us to their daughter's wedding last Saturday. 

2 English Christians in a gathering of over 200 Asians - Pakistani & Indian, various religions. 

We found it was just the reception - the wedding was in the mosque 2 days before. 

Photos on facebook


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