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Covenantor's charge against me.


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​That comes from one I have reported many times for personal attacks & lack of respect. 



Because you once again show a total lack of respect to Alan in attempting to pollute his thread, I will answer this in a new thread.

I care not that you have reported me for 0ets9nal attacks - i have somply exposed you as a false teacher.

As to lack of respect, I make no show of false respect for you but show the lack of respect you deserve as a false teacher.

In my opinion you are here for the express purpose of converting people away from the truth and onto your false doctrines and false gospel.


This is constantly displayed by your refusal to participate properly in the debate, not answering the questions put firth but avoiding them and answering things not even asked.

I have likened you to JW's and Mormons in this becauae it is the tactic of many a cultist to use the "switch and bait" method of derailing a discussion and distracting with side issues, and that is precisely what you do - even in the debate.

Yes, I am likening you to a cultist because your actions match theirs.

You also constatly claim not be a "replacement theologist" but then use terms that show you are - you are a liar. And that is not the only time.


So yes, I  have no respect for you - none whatsoever.

Because you are a deciever and a false teacher.

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