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'Minor-Attracted Persons' PEDOPHILES! Cake pans?


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​Mass media seems to help desensitize people to things that aren't directly effecting them. This also contributes to the idea of moral relativism and there being no absolutes when it comes to right and wrong (or anything else).

At the same time mass media and the desire to be PC have worked to create millions of people who will jump on a PC issue, make tweets, blog posts or a comment on Facebook and believe they have took a strong stand for/against something. In other words, rather than actually doing something constructive about an issue, simply tweeting about it is considered doing ones part.

Perception trumps reality. Look at all those who continue with the "hands up don't shoot" stuff even after it's been proven beyond a doubt that was a lie, told by one person, picked up by the media and exploited. When the cop shot that man running from him and was quickly arrested and charged with murder the reality of the incident didn't stop some from going out and chanting "no justice, no peace" and trying to turn this into a racial issue when it wasn't.

Homosexuals are portrayed all over TV and in the movies as wonderful, "normal" people, usually as some sort of hero, best friend ever or in some other very positive light. The reality of homosexuality, the lives most homosexuals live, isn't PC, doesn't get coverage and most folks don't want to hear about it. On the rare occasions they may hear about homosexual reality they have already been preconditioned to discount such as "hate" or "homophobic".

Just as the argument has been used if two men "love each other" then they should be allowed to do what they want to promote the homosexual agenda, the same is now being used for consensual adult/child relations. Along with this movement is a similar one attempting to rid the statutory rape laws. Typically they talk about the problem of an 18 year old and 17 year old who are in love but if they express their love the 18 year old can be arrested. The reality is, they are wanting the doors tossed open so the 45 year old can get with the 15 year old in the name of love.

Too many in our nation don't want to face the truth. They don't want to deal with reality. The virtual world of Twitter, what mainstream media feeds them and the escapism of movies, TV and video games is good enough for them.

There needs to be a separate 'awareness' thread for all of these subtle attacks through television on our God given sensitivities; and the resulting actions, morals, and or lack of emotions, etc. I bolded one thought with respect to what Satan may be hoping for.

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GOLDSBORO — Police are investigating the fatal shooting of a gay community college worker as a hate crime, while the man charged in the killing told a judge Tuesday there was "one less child molester" after the slaying of his former supervisor.

If this had been a male to female molestation it wouldn't have been a hate crime. 


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If this had been a male to female molestation it wouldn't have been a hate crime. 


​Has it been determined that the homosexual community college worker committed child molestation? Is this what caused the accused to perpetrate this act of killing the worker? 

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I don't know if the video says anything more but that article says absolutely nothing about the murdered guy having molested the alleged murderer's brother or indeed anyone else. I've had a browse on the net and all I could find was the "one less child molester" quote, apparently made by the alleged murderer. So regardless of whether the guy who got shot had or hadn't, or whether he'd been convicted of such, all we have from the news media is the alleged murderer's say-so. So I wouldn't say it's been established--not even close.

As for the hate crime thing, MountainChristian seems to be saying that it's an example of the priveliged status of gay people, i.e. had the murdered guy raped the alleged murderer's sister then the motive for the crime would be obvious to all. But because the murdered guy is gay the police can only conceive that he must have been the victim of a hate crime.

Well that's one theory based on politics. But I think, what would I do if I was a copper? Unless the motive was abundantly clear then I guess I'd want to investigate all possible motives. The guy I've arrested claims the other guy molested his brother, so there's one. But it's only the guy's say-so and there's no corroborating evidence, e.g. convictions, police investigations or even a reputation. So do we know that was definitely the motive? Any other possibilities worth investigating? Well the accussed has white supremacist imagery tattoed all over his face and white supremacists have a penchant for talking about their hatred of all sorts of people and sometimes following it up with violence. So maybe the guy's lying about his own motive. Worth investigating.

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A muslim connection was mentioned earlier on by John81. Interestingly, if you are familiar with the Bacha Bazi (sp?) dancing boys, this is a Muslim sect that has these boys who are trained to dance for the older men, and are normally used as well for sex by them. This will continue on until they begin to grow facial hair, at which point they are removed from the ranks, because now it is seen as homosexuality. But before the facial hair grows, it is acceptable to have sex with boys, and in many cases, seen as better than with women.


So really, Islam is okay with homosexuality, just so long as it is pedophilic homosexuality, cuz it aint really homo unless he goes through puberty first. This is why our troops overseas were disallowed by the military to speak anything against pedophilia-its part of their 'culture' and of course, culture must be respected above all.


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A muslim connection was mentioned earlier on by John81. Interestingly, if you are familiar with the Bacha Bazi (sp?) dancing boys, this is a Muslim sect that has these boys who are trained to dance for the older men, and are normally used as well for sex by them. This will continue on until they begin to grow facial hair, at which point they are removed from the ranks, because now it is seen as homosexuality. But before the facial hair grows, it is acceptable to have sex with boys, and in many cases, seen as better than with women.


So really, Islam is okay with homosexuality, just so long as it is pedophilic homosexuality, cuz it aint really homo unless he goes through puberty first. This is why our troops overseas were disallowed by the military to speak anything against pedophilia-its part of their 'culture' and of course, culture must be respected above all.


​I had never heard of this but, I know a young man in AF and I'll ask him.

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