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Spiritual not real ?


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I can't remember why I looked up 'real' but I didn't like it when I saw the antonym. Faith is a different story, antonym...unsteadiness.

The following will be my definition of real and faith. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Spiritual Real Antonym.jpg

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Interesting.  To my mind, (which is probably influenced by my aberrant thought processes, being a Christian) it seems to me some of the antonyms do not follow from the description of antonyms in the table.  Spiritual is indeed real so it cannot possibly be an antonym for real.  Therefor for Spiritual to be a correct entry in the table it should be in the list of synonyms for real (the top part of the table).  So the table was obviously constructed by spiritually illiterate persons who cannot be trusted with constructing Real tables.

Therefor I would not let the table worry me too much. ;)

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Considering they have "solid" as one of the synonyms, they may have been using "spiritual" in the sense of intangible as an antonym of "real" in the sense of tangible -- though I doubt it.

Edited by OLD fashioned preacher
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Thesaurus is to help crossword solving, and creative writing. Words should always be used according to their meaning. It's NOT a religious statement. Many people claim spiritual experiences we would dismiss as unreal or spurious. Note spurious is not in the list, but incarnation and bona fides are. 

Hobby-horse time .....

I am often accused of spiritualizing OT Scripture when I look for the real meaning as taught in the NT, rather than the literal reading.




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Probably a stupid question on my part, but, why are uncertain and unclear antonyms for real?  Don't uncertain whether something is real or whether something is unclear mean that you are not sure if something is real or unreal? Evidently the party making the list was uncertain and unclear about the meanings of real and unreal.   Therefor the list cannot be trusted as a help in knowing the meaning of words. :rolleyes:

My original post was written tongue in cheek.  So is this one. ;)

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Probably a stupid question on my part, but, why are uncertain and unclear antonyms for real?  Don't uncertain whether something is real or whether something is unclear mean that you are not sure if something is real or unreal? Evidently the party making the list was uncertain and unclear about the meanings of real and unreal.   Therefor the list cannot be trusted as a help in knowing the meaning of words. :rolleyes:

My original post was written tongue in cheek.  So is this one. ;)

Do you do crossword puzzles? 


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It was just something I ran across and wanted to share how casually the word throws the world of the unseen aside. Maybe, after all this, they were Christians and didn't want anyone to think human spirits were walking around among us. 

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