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Marriage, Remarriage, Divorce


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Well, I believe it's a good idea for girls to get training so they can support themselves just in case they don't get married or the husband dies/becomes unable to work. But the idea of planning for divorce is nuts!

The worst "planning for divorce" thing I've ever heard came from a girl my sister works with. She got pregnant with Baby #2 less than three months after she birthed her first child. Their first child was a boy, the second was a girl, so she decided she had one of each and she was done. She told her husband he needed to schedule a vasectomy, ASAP. He said, "why don't you get a tubal ligation?" And her reason was, "because if we divorce I will remarry. What if my next husband wants a baby with me?" WUH?!

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Well, I believe it's a good idea for girls to get training so they can support themselves just in case they don't get married or the husband dies/becomes unable to work. But the idea of planning for divorce is nuts!


Such thoughts and their attendant values are rampant in our family.


The worst "planning for divorce" thing I've ever heard came from a girl my sister works with. She got pregnant with Baby #2 less than three months after she birthed her first child. Their first child was a boy, the second was a girl, so she decided she had one of each and she was done. She told her husband he needed to schedule a vasectomy, ASAP. He said, "why don't you get a tubal ligation?" And her reason was, "because if we divorce I will remarry. What if my next husband wants a baby with me?" WUH?!


How incredibly selfish, I wonder though what his response was?

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I will agree though, that feminism for women and porn for men have been major roles in the destruction of marriages in America.



There is a sad truth but the use of porn by women has jumped in recent years because of the ease of Internet access to it. Women who watch porn (saved and unsaved) are now in a majority of those who watch it.  This is not just a man thing anymore.  and it is causing even more destruction than when just men participated in it.


Pray for the women of our churches and nation both saved and unsaved this is pandemic situation that is part of the prOBlem prOBably more so than many will admit. 

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The idea of disposable marriage and the results of such thinking is one of the reasons so many folks don't take marriage seriously which leads many to not care about the homosexual marriage agenda or other aspects concerning marriage.


Many today choose shacking up over marriage and often when they do decide to get married they are doing so in order to get insurance benefits.


The "try 'em before you buy 'em" philosophy of  trying out several "partners" before deciding which one to marry tends to carry over into the marriage where one or both spouses enter the marriage thinking of their marriage in terms of "if it works good for me I'll stay married but if I don't like it I'll just get a divorce...and move on to the next person."


A few years ago a young couple in our church were engaged and so many pushed for them to hurry up and get married, especially since they had been a couple for a couple of years already. Thankfully they refused to be rushed. They planned their wedding day for over a year away, which would be after she had finished her schooling, and which would give him time to save more money for a home. Both looked at that time as a time to grow closer, learn more of one another and continue to lifting up their relationship to the Lord.


When it was near time for their wedding, and they still hadn't bought a house, we all lifted that up in prayer. The house they really wanted was priced out of their range. Just a couple days before their wedding they received a call and the owner said he would drop the price by several thousand dollars if they were still interested. They bought the house within the budget they had set for a house the day before their wedding!


This February they had their first child, a cute little girl.


Over all the time of their engagement and marriage, I know of about 10 others around their age who rushed into those "give it a try" marriages and have divorced already.

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