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American Colleges


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We had some missionaries in our church who do work with and on various college campuses in America.


One of the things they mentioned was how during the first week of college when all the student groups have their booths set up trying to attract attention, on many colleges there are booths set up with a big sign asking students to bring them their Bibles for which they will give them pornography in exchange.


They have signs and pass out flyers saying they know the students don't really believe that stuff and there is no point in holding onto a Bible their deluded parents or grandparents gave them, they might as well trade it in for something they really want.

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Another thing pointed out was statistics from the University of Texas, which is in the Bible Belt, in what is considered one of the more "Christian" States, filled with many students from Texas and other Bible Belt States.


At the University of Texas 89% of the students site that they have no religions ties or preferences. This means only 11% of students claim any religious affiliation, and these are not all Christians, but includes Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Satanists and others.


The missionaries discussing this have been serving on college campuses for 12 years and said the biggest change in that time is that today more students are apathetic and self-centered than ever. They either have not thought of or for God or they just don't care. They are interested in getting their degree, a high paying career and enjoying life; that's it.

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Two of the hardest to reach groups which have some Christian background are those from very liberal churches and those from the strict outward appearance churches.


The one group sees Christianity as unimportant and lacking in anything meaningful while the other sees Christianity as a hypocritical system of control.


It seems both of these groups are very difficult to reach because the one is very apathetic about it and the other is rather angry.


Missionaries on our college campuses are facing a very difficult situation.

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