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I Need Some Coffee


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Just a couple of thoughts I ran across this morning when I got up too early.  They struck me as containing a smidgin of truth. . . . of course I hadn't had my coffee yet.


"Obama and his audience mistake their orgy of mutual flattery for intelligence and depth. Like a trendy restaurant whose patrons know that they have good taste because they patronize it, his supporters know that they are smart because they support a smart man and Obama knows he is smart because so many smart people support him."

"Imagine a million people walking in a circle and shouting, "WE'RE SMART AND WE'RE RIGHT. WE'RE RIGHT BECAUSE WE'RE SMART. WE'RE SMART BECAUSE WE'RE RIGHT." Now imagine that these marching morons dominate academia, the government bureaucracy and the entertainment industry allowing them to spend billions yelling their idiot message until it outshouts everyone else while ignoring the disasters in their wake because they are too smart to fail.

That is liberalism."


God bless,


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When they have power and money they feel in control. They don't worry about the consequences of their actions upon the nation, society or people because they believe they are above it.


If their actions bring about riots, civil unrest or even wars, they feel secure in their gated communities with their own private police forces, plus they know the regular police forces will give extra attention to keep them and their neighborhoods safe while mobs run roughshod over the poor neighborhoods first and spread out from there if not yet brought under control.


If worse comes to worse, they believe their money and connections will buy them safe transport and safe haven elsewhere.


Meanwhile, the rest of the country is just pawns in their game.


What a grand awakening they will receive come Judgment Day!

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When they have power and money they feel in control. They don't worry about the consequences of their actions upon the nation, society or people because they believe they are above it.


If their actions bring about riots, civil unrest or even wars, they feel secure in their gated communities with their own private police forces, plus they know the regular police forces will give extra attention to keep them and their neighborhoods safe while mobs run roughshod over the poor neighborhoods first and spread out from there if not yet brought under control.


If worse comes to worse, they believe their money and connections will buy them safe transport and safe haven elsewhere.


Meanwhile, the rest of the country is just pawns in their game.


What a grand awakening they will receive come Judgment Day!


The one in office feels he is in control, & each president is much more in control than the last one.


Politics is about being in control, getting a person elected to give favors that will place the supporter in the favorable position to make money, get power, recognition, position.


Politics is about getting the one elected who will do you favors so you will be in a favorable position to make money.


In recent times a great example of that is the no bid contract Mr. Obama handed out to college friends of his wife, I feel sure they will make millions & repay the favor & Mr. Obama will get his share behind the scenes.


All of that is partly why I am not into politics, plus the political system in this country is totally corrupt, plus the Bible teaches us to trust God, not man, & that we are not of this world, that it will choke the Word out of us.


Mt 13:22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.
Mr 4:19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
And yes I know here in our times most Christians teaches its our Christian duty to vote, yet I have not found it in the pages of the Bible, & no one has showed it to me, & we've had many conversations about it here at onlinebaptist.


As for me if I trust a certain man elected to the position of president of this country to turn this county around & back to God them I'm not trusting 100% in God though Jesus. Besides, how can we trust corruption?

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