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The Post That Will Not Stand Long Here (Tithing)

The Glory Land

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YES but the truth stands and this man is mocking God, (not me) with His sarcasm at the truth of God's Word.  Each will give account of every last word spoken.  God will judge accordingly.

mocking God? And just how is it that I am mocking God? I have presented Scripture to prove what I teach.

Where is your Scripture that says we are to tithe our money? Where is your Scripture that says God's holy tithe is money?

I'll wait.
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i know you from elsewhere on the world-wide web. We have had our disagreements. Especially on the issue of alcohol.

Now I am curious.

It is possible that I know you, though I do not recall a Standing Firm in Christ. Perhaps you'd help my memory by sharing the site and what name you went by at the time if it was different. PM if you'd like.
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Those days are past.  I prefer to leave them there.

Suffice it to say, we have butted heads on the issue of alcohol (and other topics) on more than one occasion.


Seems to me that you did not leave the past there when you brought it up.  

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I merely said we had butted heads in the past. particularly on alcohol.

Paul did the same thing many times in his ministry.

"Forgetting those things which were behind..."
"I once knew a man..."
"persecuting the Church..."


Just mentioning that we had butted heads in the past does not mean I am not leaving the past behind.

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candlelight, if you think what I teach is merely opinion, here's your chance to prove it.

Provide a Scripture that says Jesus is Melchizedek.
Provide Scripture that says that we are to tithe our money.

I'll wait.

I am not posting on Mechizedek and tithing.  That is not my disagreement, SFIC.



jesus didn't belittle people? Really?

Hmmmm, He called them whited sepulchres, blind guides, hypocrites, fools, etc..

Seems to me the Bible has many instances of Jesus belittling people.

Jesus was/is God.  You are merely a man who is in love with his mind.

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So, where is that verse that says we are to tithe our money, candlelight?

I love everything about Jesus.  Not just His mind, but also His Word too.

This is not my argument, SFIC.  I only intervened in this thread b/c you were being rude to Galations.  I really don't care one way or another.

You missed my point.  You are the one who is in love with his mind.  It shows everytime you say something mean to someone to make yourself look better.  Sadly, your method is not working.

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This is not my argument, SFIC. I only intervened in this thread b/c you were being rude to Galations. I really don't care one way or another.

You missed my point. You are the one who is in love with his mind. It shows everytime you say something mean to someone to make yourself look better. Sadly, your method is not working.

I understood what you meant. ;)
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This is not my argument, SFIC.  I only intervened in this thread b/c you were being rude to Galations.  I really don't care one way or another.

You missed my point.  You are the one who is in love with his mind.  It shows everytime you say something mean to someone to make yourself look better.  Sadly, your method is not working.

I never say something to someone else to make myself look better. 

I have consistently backed my beliefs with Scripture.  If pointing out to Galations that she is pulling Scripture out of context, or that she has not proved Melchizedek was Jesus using the verses she supplied seems "rude", then the problem is not mine, but with the one who is rejecting truth.

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I never say something to someone else to make myself look better. 

I have consistently backed my beliefs with Scripture.  If pointing out to Galations that she is pulling Scripture out of context, or that she has not proved Melchizedek was Jesus using the verses she supplied seems "rude", then the problem is not mine, but with the one who is rejecting truth.

You don't notice it, SFIC, but you do.  My response to you about that is "in general."  You are a very prideful man.

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Using Scripture, I point out that Melchizedek was not Jesus.  Therefore, I must be rude and prideful.
I point out that verses one uses as proof that Melchizedek is Jesus say nothing of Melchizedek at all.  Therefore, I must be rude and prideful.
I ask for Scripture that instructs us to tithe our money today.  Therefore, I must be rude and prideful.

I am rude and prideful for standing for and defending the Word of God.

Something seriously wrong with this picture.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

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