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The Post That Will Not Stand Long Here (Tithing)

The Glory Land

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The Lord has laid these two verses on my heart to post here for you even though I stated I was done God was not done with me here on this thread.



Psalms 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. 


Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 


God's truth always stands firm and I am leaning on Him patiently, allowing His scripture to speak to you.  You have not offended me, nor chased me away, rather I am praying for you in this area, even as you do the victory dance after bashing me in the head with your opinions.

G2:20, SFIC delights in this.  He has his opinions and has to be right.  He is the only one that I see being "childish" in his posts to others.  All other OB members are just joking around to lighten up the mood.

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Scripture does not say that Melchizedek is Jesus. We are told that Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchizedek, which is clearly not saying Jesus and Melchizedek are one and the same.


The tithe, clearly an OT law for the support of the temple, priesthood and other factors dealing with national Israel is nowhere carried over into the NT. The Apostles made it clear in Acts the few things Christians should tend to which connect back to the law.


Paul makes it clear, as does Acts, that a Christians giving is to be totally based upon the leading of the Lord and if we are truly seeking to live in His will our giving will be done cheerfully and sacrificially. We are specifically told that our giving is not to be under compulsion (law of the tithe is compulsion) but rather out of a heart surrendered to the Lord in love.


Christians are called to a far higher calling, that of a devotion to the Lord from our hearts, not by external matters of the law.

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Galations220, you really need to study more. You have not presented any proof to support your claims.


The fact is, I have given Scripture to support that God gave the tithes to the Levites in 1430 B.C. I have given Scripture to support the fact that tithes were to be given also to widows, orphans, and foreigners in Israel.

I have given Scriptures that prove that God's tithes were eaten.

Where is your Scripture that says God gave the tithes to the Church and said those tithes were to be monetary?

Oh, that's right... You have none.

John, I am not even talking about "tithes" now.  What I am saying is that SFIC has a habit of constantly belittling the saints on OB.  He has done it to me, and many others.  Now Galations?  He loves to fight.  The last name of his screen name doesn't fit.  Christ did not argue or belittle people.  And, SFIC hasn't known Arbo for that long, unless outside of OB.  Arbo joined OB in October 2013.

I get tired of his pompous attitude towards Christians on OB.  He carries it with him whenever he posts something.

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Bashing you with my opinions? ROFL.

Even Arbo, who has disagreed with me for years, agrees that you have not proved Melchizedek is Jesus.


Hebrews 4:14-15 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 


There is  proof text of scripture

btw are Arbo and you one in the same?  Just askin'.

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G2:20, SFIC delights in this.  He has his opinions and has to be right.  He is the only one that I see being "childish" in his posts to others.  All other OB members are just joking around to lighten up the mood.


YES but the truth stands and this man is mocking God, (not me) with His sarcasm at the truth of God's Word.  Each will give account of every last word spoken.  God will judge accordingly.

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G2:20, SFIC delights in this.  He has his opinions and has to be right.  He is the only one that I see being "childish" in his posts to others.  All other OB members are just joking around to lighten up the mood.

candlelight, if you think what I teach is merely opinion, here's your chance to prove it.

Provide a Scripture that says Jesus is Melchizedek.
Provide Scripture that says that we are to tithe our money.

I'll wait.
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John, I am not even talking about "tithes" now.  What I am saying is that SFIC has a habit of constantly belittling the saints on OB.  He has done it to me, and many others.  Now Galations?  He loves to fight.  The last name of his screen name doesn't fit.  Christ did not argue or belittle people.  And, SFIC hasn't known Arbo for that long, unless outside of OB.  Arbo joined OB in October 2013.
I get tired of his pompous attitude towards Christians on OB.  He carries it with him whenever he posts something.

jesus didn't belittle people? Really?

Hmmmm, He called them whited sepulchres, blind guides, hypocrites, fools, etc..

Seems to me the Bible has many instances of Jesus belittling people.
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Hebrews 4:14-15 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 
There is  proof text of scripture
btw are Arbo and you one in the same?  Just askin'.

if that's your proof that Melchizedek was Jesus, it's no proof at all.

Melchizedek is not mentioned in that verse at all.
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