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Turns Out I Am Right.


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There is a set of letters I have seen or heard a lot lately . . . . MPAI.  MPAI is short for most "people are idiots".  

I am not surprised that studies of this sort come out the way they do, seeing that the nations children go to schools that are designed to keep them ignorant.

The schools are succeeding in a big way.  




Dumbed down parents are very likely to have dumbed down kids. The sad thing about this is that the dumbed down parents do not even notice that their children are being dumbed down.  

I see this all around me in my own relatives.  They are so happy when their children get good grades.  They can't see that the grades are not equal to grades that would have been given for the same work done 20 or 30 years ago.  


Seems like the only place where I get any good news these days is from God's word.


God bless,


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Larry it was done deliberate.  It was the open and stated goal of the NEA to dumb down the curriculum and turn America's children into drones, political activists and turn them away from God.  Statists the world over know that if you control education, in a few generations you'll control the country.  


Most of us couldn't pass an eighth grade exam from the 1800s.  Your generation received a better education than mine and each succeeding generation since has been cheated.  For the most part we're speaking of secular, government school education but the damage is not just limited to that system either.  Satan has also gotten his mitts into our schools and texts and we must be ever vigilant to root out his evil designs when they are discovered and overcome the objections of the silly ones who think Satan's ideas are good for the children.

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Sadly, it started before the NEA came into existence in 1976.   :(  Swath, you are absolutely right - it has been deliberate.  Dumbing down has been going on for a good while.  Christians who homeschool need to be leery, too. There are some Christian (so-called) curricula that have been dumbed down, too.

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