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Haven't been here much in recent months, but for those who may be interested, I decided it was time to change my screen name from "cubfan1969," particularly in light of new revelation I've discovered, that the Chicago Cubs organization is a huge supporter of the LGBT's. The Cubs will be flying "rainbow flags" at todays game with the Dodgers. The organization was also inducted into the LGBT Sports Hall of Fame last evening.

As if 100+ years of futility wasn't enough, right?? I'm done with 'em.


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Sorry to hear of the (yet another) bad direction the Cubs are taking. Very glad you are still with us. The St. Louis Cardinals have a Jewish night coming up. They had their Christian night last month. No, they are not a Christian ball club, but they do still honour Christians at least once a year, as well as Jews, and they do have several Christian players. Still, like all ball clubs, they are in a worldly business and the world dominates.


So long as our busyiness doesn't get in the way of our time with the Lord it's not all bad. Will be looking forward to your postings when you have the chance to join us.

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