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The Gay Movement Today And Tomorrow

The Glory Land

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The biggest problem the US is facing today. They are not just bringing our nation down, but they are brining down our churches and anything that have to do with morality. This is their goal, and a problem with many good people and Christian families, many have children that are falling into the gay movement traps. Those churches that are opening their doors to this life style will burn in a place called Hell. Gay can repent and come to Christ for salvation, but like as we change our evil ways so must they. We are seeing signs of the End of time, right in front of our eyes, and this movement is one of them. I feel with you, and pray for you, if you have a child that is gay. Fear not, there is hope for them. They are really nice people, if they could only understand.

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The biggest problem in America today is the same problem since Adam and Eve.  Sin, pride and fulfilling the lusts of the flesh.  All of which happened because people turned from God and became gods unto themselves.

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