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New Jesus Book 'zealot'


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There will always be non-Christian writers and 'historians' willing to write books against Christ for the unsaved masses, and out it forth as 'truth'. They're a dime a dozen.


Yet, how much worse was "The Shack" to the cause of Christianity? The author deconstructs the Godhead, and then seeks to demolish core doctrines, while pretending to be a Christian the whole time. And this is written FOR Christians, sold in Christian bookstores, and I have seen pastors' wives praising it!

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There will always be non-Christian writers and 'historians' willing to write books against Christ for the unsaved masses, and out it forth as 'truth'. They're a dime a dozen.


Yet, how much worse was "The Shack" to the cause of Christianity? The author deconstructs the Godhead, and then seeks to demolish core doctrines, while pretending to be a Christian the whole time. And this is written FOR Christians, sold in Christian bookstores, and I have seen pastors' wives praising it!

Indeed many books under the guise of being Christian books are the most dangerous books out there. Believers and some unbelievers alike read these books and are seriously misguided, but all too often they believe what they read because they are not grounded in the Word. Unfortunately, some Christians won't bother to read their Bible, but they will read "Christian" books and simply accept whatever they read there as fact and base their views and actions upon that.

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Can't be any worse than the book O'Reilly will be putting out in September. Through the research of his mediocre historian and ghost writer O'Reilly will prove that the saints over the last 2,000 years have had it all wrong about Jesus while he has it right.

Yes, O'Reilly presents a very slanted view of history, yet many buy his books and eat them up.

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According to this article at Way of Life it seems that even Pastors have endorsed The Shack among them a number of SBC (I know... lost to The Cause) pastors.

The problem with Reza Aslan is that he is presented to the world as a "scholar" in religious studies which he is not. You can read HERE what someone who has known him very well has to say about the Fox News interview and Reza Aslan.

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