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‘Christian’ American Idol Winner Carrie Underwood: I Support Same-Sex ‘Marriage’


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(This so much reflects the state of much of what passes for Christianity in America today.)

‘Christian’ American Idol winner Carrie Underwood: I support same-sex ‘marriage’

LONDON, ENGLAND, June 11, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – Country songstress Carrie Underwood has told a British newspaper she supports redefining marriage, in part based on her Christian beliefs.
The 2005 American Idol winner, who has strongly identified as a Christian, told the (UK) Independent, “As a married person myself, I don’t know what it’s like to be told I can’t marry somebody I love, and want to marry…I definitely think we should all have the right to love, and love publicly, the people that we want to love.”
She also condemned “people who use the Bible for hate.”
Carrie Underwood
Underwood said she left the Baptist church; she and her husband, ice hockey pro Mike Fisher, go to a non-denominational worship center that reflects their more liberal views on the issue.
“Our church is gay friendly,” she said, adding that Christianity is “not about setting rules, or [saying] ‘everyone has to be like me.’”
Many of Underwood’s fans are evangelical Christians, who helped make her song “Jesus Take the Wheel” a number one country hit. She also played a youth minister in the movie Soul Surfer about the life of Bethany Hamilton. “I grew up going to church camp and reading my Bible and having different faith books and movies in my life,” she has said.
Some of her fans have already said they will no longer purchase her music as a result of her announcement.

Underwood’s remarks may have been an answer to a call from a far less successful female singer, Canadian-born Chely Wright, who came out as a lesbian 11 years after her brief Top 40 country career came to a close. Wright complained of being frozen out of the country music social scene after her 2010 announcement.
Two weeks ago, she said, “I need a country artist who is a big deal, like Jay-Z in his community — he came forward and said, ‘I believe in equality for all.’”
Underwood was one of the artists she named.
The 29-year-old roiled her Christian fan base in the past when she won the “Entertainer of the Year” award at the 2009 American Country Music awards. After presenter Matthew McConaughey joked about how he “got lucky” by luring women into his car with a story about having a pair of George Strait’s boots in his Corvette, he announced Underwood as the winner.
The visibly shaken starlet said, “I don’t know what to say. I got nothin’...I want to see those boots, Matthew.”
She said, “Thank You, God” before and after the statement.
She claimed to have “blacked out” and not remembered her comments but then apologized. “You want to say something eloquent in a moment like that and I embarrassed myself,” she said. “I’m sorry Matthew, I’m sorry to my family. I’m totally embarrassed.”
Underwood is embarking on her first tour of the UK later this month.

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Well, I just have to say our church is gay-friendly, too. We welcome them to come in and hear about Christ and their need of a Saviour. They can attend our Reformer's Unanimous to learn how to break free from the stronghold of their egregious sin. That said, though...they don't consider us gay-friendly...

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Well, I just have to say our church is gay-friendly, too. We welcome them to come in and hear about Christ and their need of a Saviour. They can attend our Reformer's Unanimous to learn how to break free from the stronghold of their egregious sin. That said, though...they don't consider us gay-friendly...

While the true friend, or the one being truly friendly, is the one who will tell you the truth, that's not the "friendly" sort homosexuals or their supporters want. Their idea of one, or a church, that's friendly is those who don't tell them the truth of Scripture regarding homosexuality.

I'm thankful your church is truly homosexual friendly, and very sorry there are so many more who are homosexual friendly in the worldly "we won't mention your sin, we'll even embrace and support it" manner.

With regards to the Christianity of Carrie Underwood, anyone who has seen the way she dresses and heard any of her songs besides "Jesus Take the Wheel", would have to figure her Christianity is either very shallow or totally of the worldly (non-biblical) variety.
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Well, I just have to say our church is gay-friendly, too. We welcome them to come in and hear about Christ and their need of a Saviour. They can attend our Reformer's Unanimous to learn how to break free from the stronghold of their egregious sin. That said, though...they don't consider us gay-friendly...

I don't believe that the "gay-friendli"-ness your church practices is the same Ms. Underwood is referring to. As I read it, her church is a more "come as you are" type church. All sin is welcome and embraced.

As you describe your church, my church would be considered "gay-friendly as well.

With regards to the Christianity of Carrie Underwood, anyone who has seen the way she dresses and heard any of her songs besides "Jesus Take the Wheel", would have to figure her Christianity is either very shallow or totally of the worldly (non-biblical) variety.

I can blissfully say that prior to this article I can not say whether or not I had ever heard of Carrie Underwood. Based on this article I wish it would have stayed that way. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
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I've never watched American Idol but I've heard and read that many of the contenstants or performers (whatever they are called) have been professing Christians, including Carrie Underwood. Myself, I didn't hear of her until she released the song "Jesus Take the Wheel" which became an instant hit on country radio so they released a version with a bit of a pop beat to it and also a softer Christianized version.

I don't know the name of the group, but I remember reading that some Christian music group or organization gave her an award for singing that song.

The reason I know somewhat more about her after that is because nearly everyone around this area listens to country music, including my extended family. Carrie Underwood dresses very immodestly and sings many songs with raunchy lyrics. For some reason, even with all that, many professing Christians have called themselves her fans, bought her albums and put up her posters.

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Not many strong sand up Christians in the entertainment business or competing for worldly rewards such as given on American Idol or Dancing With the Stars . If they were strong stand up for Christ people, they would be unwelcome among such crowds, & would not want to be yoked up with such a crowd.

Its true, Christ does change the desires of the heart that welcomes Him in & opens its doors to Him & they become a COMPLETE NEW PERSON!

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