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Where Is The Outrage And Protests?


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Man Knocked Out, Stripped Naked And Robbed Of Everything As Crowd Of Onlookers Laugh Hysterically

source: http://endoftheamericandream.com/

How would you feel if a group of young thugs punched you in the face, knocked you to the ground, stripped you naked and took off with your car keys, your watch, your money and your cell phone? Well, that is exactly what happened to one man in Baltimore recently and it was all caught on camera. Perhaps the most frightening thing about this incident is that nobody from the crowd of onlookers helped this man. Instead, most of them appear to have been too busy laughing hysterically at what was happening to him. Sadly, this kind of behavior is becoming all too common on the streets of America. The hearts of our young people are growing very cold, and in a lot of major U.S. cities it is simply not safe to go strolling around after the sun goes down anymore. The man in the video that you are about to see is lucky to have gotten away alive. When he was punched in the face he fell directly backward and in the video you can hear the sound of his skull loudly hitting the pavement. But instead of checking to see if he needed medical help, the crowd around the man descended on him like a bunch of crazed looters. This incident happened on St. Patrick's Day, but it is only now that the media is starting to take notice of this video.
The YouTube video posted below is a local news report about this incident. It contains footage of him being knocked out, but it does not contain footage of him being stripped of his clothes....
The video footage of him being violently stripped of his clothes and belongings is on YouTube and it is quite easy to find. But please be warned that it is quite graphic, and you might not want to watch it.
Sadly, this is just another sign of how much our society is decaying. And it is not just happening in the big cities. This kind of behavior is going on in every area of the country and not even the very rural communities are immune from the craziness that is going on.
As I have written about previously, America is becoming a very lawless place and criminals are becoming much bolder. Very creepy home invasion horror stories are being reported all over the United States and there has been a shocking increase in gang activity in the past few years.
America is rapidly changing and you simply cannot count on most people to show you even an ounce of compassion these days. Most people simply do not want to get involved in something that is not their business.
For example, would you stop and help an 86-year-old man with a broken leg that was crawling across the pavement at a gas station trying to get assistance?
Well, that exact scenario played out near Detroit recently. An 86-year-old World War II veteran was brutally carjacked in broad daylight. After the attack, his leg was broken and he could not walk. So he started to crawl across the parking lot toward the door of the gas station.
So did anyone help him?
Not according to the surveillance video....

A surveillance video shows Aaron Bra
ley, 86, struggling to get from the fuel pump to the gas station's door to get help as people walked and drove by him Wednesday morning.

This is what America is becoming. A place where nobody cares about each other.
If you get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, don't count on anyone helping you out or even showing you a single ounce of compassion.
But just because the hearts of most Americans are growing cold and hard does not mean that has to happen to you. The next time that you see someone in a desperate situation out on the streets I hope that you will remember to stop and be kind to that person.


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In the St. Patricks Day video there is a white guy standing there with blacks taunting him. A black woman starts yelling for someone to take his stuff and get his keys. The white guy tries to walk away, with one black guy following and another black guy on the sidewalk ahead of him who punches him in the face. The white guy falls to the pavement, you can hear his head hit and blood spatters, and the blacks standing around laugh and yel for everyone to take all he has.

The elderly man, who had recently had another car stolen, not only gets this one stolen but his leg broke and absolutely no one helps this elderly man as he crawls across the ground trying to get to the door of the gas station.

Sad to say, but this is what passes for good in many black neighborhoods. It shouldn't be too suprising considering so many black professors and preachers teach and preach hate whitey, black liberation theology, this is their country and they have to take it back from the white man, and worse.

In a small city not far from here, probably around 45,000-50,000 population, there was an elderly man in a grocery store who dropped a hundred dollar bill as he was getting his money out to pay for his purchase. A black teen stepped up, picked up the hundred dollar bill and then ran out the door.

Around that same time there were several cases of black on white attacks. Thankfully that small city is still small enough the cops eventually arrested those involved.

It's a dangerous world out there where in some areas even the police won't go without backup.

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I feel sure those that called for Zimmerman's neck in a nose would feel the old white man was at fault by being white.

We have a very sad society, & even sorrier new media for not carrying this as a major headline.

The news media only cares about their liberal socialist agenda and most so-called conservatives are too scared to touch issues dealing with race.

A few years ago in a medium sized city in this region there was a rash of murders. All the victims were white with nothing in their lives to give reason as to why somone might want them dead. Eventually the police caught one of the killers. He was a young black male that was in a local gang that was trying to expand. The final "test" for a recruit to become a full member was they had to commit murder, and their victim had to be white. Nothing but local coverage on that obvious race-based crime and even it was limited. No national news on this, no outcry from the president, no "civil rights" or church leaders marching in the streets.
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Checking the news last night, of course they all covered the arrest of Zimmerman for shooting Martin, but then there were several stories of blacks being killed by an American Indian in Oklahoma and stories about how terrible black on black crime is. Not a single story on the high rate of black on white crime or the comparison of that to the low rate of white on black crime.

George Orwell had it right when he wrote 1984 and Animal Farm.

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