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The Baptist Handbook by M.L. Moser, Jr.

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After downloading and reading through the Baptist Handbook written by M.L. Moser, Jr, I have come to the conclusion that the book isn't worth the time Moser took to write it, nor worth the paper it was printed on.

In it, false teachings abound. It is obvious when reading this book that Moser thinks his particular denomination is the only true Church. (Baptist Briders) Moser gives a list of several different denominations, including Freewill Baptists and Primitive Baptists. He goes on to tell the reader that this list of Churches are not of the True Church, the body of Christ.

His explanation? Those Churches did not start in the first Century A.D, they did not start in Palestine, and they were not founded by Jesus Christ.

Moser goes on to state that in order for a Church to be considered to be of Christ, that Church's doctines must be in accordance with the teachings of the New Testament Church that Jesus founded. Moser shoots himself in the foot on this one, for he teaches that tithes of money are taught in the New Testament. (they are not)

I am reminded of the words of Jesus at this point; By thy words thou shalt be justified, by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

There are so many flaws throughout this handbook that for anyone to embrace it as truth they must reject the truths written in the Holy Word of God.

In explaining the right Church and the wrong Church, Moser makes this statement:

"Other Churches may not go so far in their false teachings, but do teach doctrines that are not true to the Word of God. Certainly such Churches cannot be as good as a Church that accepts and teaches the whole Word of God and takes as its doctrines only the teachings found in the Scriptures."

As pointed out previously, Moser shoots himself in the foot. Moser teaches a tithe of money that is not a Bible based doctrine, but is rather a doctrine of man. Moser has just told the reader that the Church he pastors, Central Baptist, is not as good as those Churches that teach their members the truth concerning what God's tithe consisted of and that God does not require Churches outside of the Holy Land to tithe at all!

There are many other errors throughout this handbook that are taught by Moser.

*edited to add this statement that I came across in his book:

"We believe in Christian unity, but unity must be based on acceptance of all of the truth of God's Word, and Baptists can never enter into union with those who teach false doctrines."

Then he goes into the false doctrine that the Christian is required to tithe his or her money.


Edited by Standing Firm In Christ
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There are some Baptists who hold to a view very similar to the RCC. They claim that only a church with a direct line back to the original church Jesus founded, which I suppose would have to be the first church in Jerusalem which was originally headed by James, is a true church. According to their teaching, any church that can't trace their line back to the original point, isn't a legitimate, real church. This is very much the same as the RCC teaching that they are the only legitmate, real church because only they stem from the original.

This teaching would actually leave out most, if not virtually all, Baptist churches in America which can't clearly trace their line back anywhere near to the time of the first church in Jerusalem. Thanks to persecution from the RCC, rewritten history by the RCC, as well as centuries of war, times of little recorded history, times of destroyed history, there really can't be traced any apostlic succession.

What is clear in Scripture is that a real church will preach Christ and Him crucified. A true church will be made up of and pastored by born again believers. That is the connection to Christ that makes a church true, not some attempted physical connection to a line leading back to the church in Jerusalem.

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There are some Baptists who hold to a view very similar to the RCC. They claim that only a church with a direct line back to the original church Jesus founded, which I suppose would have to be the first church in Jerusalem which was originally headed by James, is a true church. According to their teaching, any church that can't trace their line back to the original point, isn't a legitimate, real church. This is very much the same as the RCC teaching that they are the only legitmate, real church because only they stem from the original.

This teaching would actually leave out most, if not virtually all, Baptist churches in America which can't clearly trace their line back anywhere near to the time of the first church in Jerusalem. Thanks to persecution from the RCC, rewritten history by the RCC, as well as centuries of war, times of little recorded history, times of destroyed history, there really can't be traced any apostlic succession.

What is clear in Scripture is that a real church will preach Christ and Him crucified. A true church will be made up of and pastored by born again believers. That is the connection to Christ that makes a church true, not some attempted physical connection to a line leading back to the church in Jerusalem.

I believe that group of Baptists are called Landmark Baptists or "Baptist Briders"
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I have not mis-characterized Mr Moser at all.

I quoted his statements from his handbook verbatim.

If there is any mis-characterization being done, it is by those who say Mr Moser is teaching biblical doctrine when he teaches a tithe of money.

If any mis-characterzation is being done, it is by those who would say that Mr Moser is not teaching false doctrine.

Mr Moser contradicts what the Word of God clearly shows us. He tells us that we should not be in unity with anyone that teaches doctrines that are not found in the Word of God, yet he himself teaches what is not in the Word of God.

Edited by Standing Firm In Christ
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WayofLife.org has the following to say concerning Challenge Press:

"Some of the Challenge Press books present a Baptist Brider type position, which we do not recommend, but most of their books do not have this problem."

The Baptist Handbook is one of the books that presents a Baptist Brider type position and is not recommended by WayofLife.org

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I find it is hilarious that in his book, Moser states that if a Church cannot trace its beginnings back to Palestine, that Church is not of Chris's true Church.

He then goes on to try to explain how his Church is traced back to Palestine using an analogy of horseshoe prints leading to a river and then seen on the other side of the river. While the prints cannot be seen in the water, the hoofprints on the other side prove the horse crossed the rover.


He rejects other Churches who claim to have been on the other side of the river, but his Church was on the other side? Clearly, Moser was landmark in his beliefs ... a baptist brider.

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There are some Baptists who hold to a view very similar to the RCC. They claim that only a church with a direct line back to the original church Jesus founded, which I suppose would have to be the first church in Jerusalem which was originally headed by James, is a true church.

This is not what Preacher Moser was saying when he wrote the handbook. He is saying that the first New Testament Church was begun by Jesus Christ himself during his earthly ministry and that they multiplied and have continued to be in existence without interruption since. If not, the Lord would be a liar and we know He is not. He's not saying that since my local church was begun in 1976 it's not a NT church. He's saying that churches of a certain kind are NT churches. Preacher Moser describes the lineage and what a NT church is by their doctrines and authority.
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He rejects other Churches who claim to have been on the other side of the river, but his Church was on the other side?

Wrong sir, you've mis-characterized Preacher Moser or do not understand what was written.
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This is not what Preacher Moser was saying when he wrote the handbook. He is saying that the first New Testament Church was begun by Jesus Christ himself during his earthly ministry and that they multiplied and have continued to be in existence without interruption since. If not, the Lord would be a liar and we know He is not. He's not saying that since my local church was begun in 1976 it's not a NT church. He's saying that churches of a certain kind are NT churches. Preacher Moser describes the lineage and what a NT church is by their doctrines and authority.

That's much different than how some put it forth. I know of a few who try to lay claim that their church can trace it's line back to the beginning of the church. They also claim that other churches can't do this so they are not true or real churches.

I agree that from the beginning of the church to today there has always been at least a remnant who held to biblical truth.
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That's much different than how some put it forth. I know of a few who try to lay claim that their church can trace it's line back to the beginning of the church. They also claim that other churches can't do this so they are not true or real churches.

I agree that from the beginning of the church to today there has always been at least a remnant who held to biblical truth.

Yes, that's why I responded.

As to your second statement, that is in accord with what our Lord and Savior said about His churches, the gates of hell would not prevail against them!

If I was a Pastor and started a rock-n-roll, seeker-sensitive church that would NOT be a NT church. Such a church has no authority to baptize or conduct the Lord's Supper. However, If the church I started was set up in accordance with the Scriptures regarding a NT church, Christ would be our head and not knocking on the door. We'd have the authority to baptize and conduct the Lord's Supper.
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That's much different than how some put it forth. I know of a few who try to lay claim that their church can trace it's line back to the beginning of the church. They also claim that other churches can't do this so they are not true or real churches.
That is exactly what Moser said. Following is his statement on page 19 of the handbook:

4. Baptist churches alone find their beginnings with Christ. Three things must be true concerning the beginning of the church in order for it to be a scriptural church. It must have the right founder -- Jesus Christ (Mt. 16:18); the right place -- Palestine (where Christ lived); and the right time -- during Christ's personal ministry. Any church that does not meet these three requirements cannot be the church that the Lord built.

When and where did all these other denominations begin?

Moser then goes into a list of no less than 39 different denominations, among which are Roman Catholic, Brethren Church, Freewill Baptists, Primitive Batpists, Mormons, Church of Christ, etc..

He then says:
What is true of the above listed churches is true of all other denominations, as they also would fail to meet these three requirements.

Did you catch that? ALL other denominations fail to meet the three requirements that Moser specified. Moser thinks it is only Baptists, and then only certain Baptists, that are Christ's true Church.

It is very evident that Moser is indeed a Baptist Brider.

He cannot prove that his church meets the three requirements specified. It is an impossibility for him to do so. And yet he believes it to be. Contrary to swathdiver's claim, I have not mis-characterized Moser at all. His own words reveal that he indeed is a Baptist Brider. Edited by Standing Firm In Christ
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So do Mormons and Catholics have the Scriptural authority to baptize and conduct the Lord's Supper?

That statement has nothing to do with whether or not M. L. Moser, Jr. teaches Baptist Briderism. Statements, such as what is found on page 19 in his Baptist Handbook For Church Members, make it very obvious that what is being taught is Baptist Briderism:

4. Baptist churches alone find their beginnings with Christ. Three things must be true concerning the beginning of the church in order for it to be a scriptural church. It must have the right founder -- Jesus Christ (Mt. 16:18); the right place -- Palestine (where Christ lived); and the right time -- during Christ's personal ministry. Any church that does not meet these three requirements cannot be the church that the Lord built.

When and where did all these other denominations begin?

The Body of Christ is not exclusively Baptists. The Body of Christ includes ALL true born again, blood washed believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, not just those who name the name of Baptist.

David Cloud wrote an excellent article on Baptist Briderism:

Are You A Baptist Brider?


BRO. CLOUD’S ANSWER: I do not believe in a Protestant concept of the church. I do not believe in a state church or a regional church or a denominational church or a “universal church” composed of all professing Christians. Scripturally speaking, to use the term “church” to describe a denomination is not scriptural. It is also unscriptural to speak of “the church in Canada” or “the church in Asia” or “the church of India” or “the European church.” When the Bible uses the term “church” to refer to a region, it consistently uses the term in the plural, i.e., the churchES of Asia (1 Cor. 16:19), the churchES of Galatia (1 Cor. 16:1), the churchES of Macedonia (2 Cor. 8:1), the churchES of Judaea (Gal. 1:22). We need to be careful to follow this biblical pattern and not to refer to “the church” in the sense of the churches in the world or the churches in a country or region.

As for any particular congregation, insofar as it is faithful to the New Testament faith, I believe it is a sound church. I don’t believe in a lineage test or a name test; I believe in a doctrinal test. One must especially analyze the church’s gospel, its doctrine of Christ, and its doctrine of Scripture. I don’t believe it is possible, for example, for a pedobaptist church to be considered a scriptural church, regardless of how sound its doctrine is in other matters. This is one reason I am a Baptist, because I believe the mode and purpose of baptism is plain in the New Testament, and I believe that it is important because it depicts the Gospel, and I therefore believe that any church that practices or accepts unscriptural baptisms is not a scriptural church, though there might be many saved people in it. The mainline Protestant churches were formed out of the apostate Catholic Church; and they did not reject Rome’s heretical baptism nor did they pattern themselves strictly after the apostolic faith as recorded in the New Testament Scriptures.

I do not believe true Baptists are Protestants. We trace our heritage not through Protestant denominations that came out of Rome in the 16th and 17th and 18th centuries, but through baptistic or “anabaptist” congregations that practiced the New Testament faith and were separate from Rome through the centuries.

Let me also repeat that though I could not accept a baptism from a pedobaptist church, even if the individual in question were baptized by immersion, I believe that any saved person will be a part of the bride of Christ regardless of his church affiliation and baptism.
Edited by LindaR
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