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Mitch Daniels Reconsidering Presidential Run?


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I saw this on The Weekly Standard yesterday:


For those who don't have the time to read it, it contains a draft ending of Mitch Daniels's response to the State of the Union next week. In it, he says that due to the current field of candidates, he is reconsidering his decision to not run for the White House, and that if he receives 300,000 e-mails from around the nation urging him to run, he will consider entering the Presidential field. It was dropped off at their offices anonymously, so there is no way for them to guarantee its validity.

I lived in Indiana while attending college, and I saw some of the work he has done to turn the state around. I have disagreed with some of his decisions (but I'm sure I could say that of any politician.) However, he is saved, and I believe that one of the reasons he has been successful is because he has depended on God to guide his decision-making. When he ran for his first term as governor, he met with my former Pastor. He laid out the poor situation Indiana was in, and my Pastor asked him how he could fix it. He told him something like, "I don't know how to do it, and I know the only way to figure it out is to be in that book [pointing to a Bible] and on my knees." (That is not a direct quote; it is my best recollection of what was said in a sermon some time later.) I think he would make a great President (and be a definite improvement over our current one), but I also wonder if it is too late for someone to join the race.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

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It's too late to join the race as a Republican candidate. Several states have deadlines candidates must meet in order to be placed on the ballot and these have long since passed.

Also, unless he already has several million dollars in campaign funds, and a solid ground team in all or nearly all the states already in place, he would never be able to compete with the candidates who are already this far along in the season.

Perhaps he might be considering a run next time around if Obama wins this one.

Not to mention, when it comes to national politics, 300,000 people asking him to run isn't very many. Consider how many Perry had urging him to run. Then consider how many of them quickly abandonded him when he didn't perform well in the first few debates.

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