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Help! ? SwordSearcher copy & paste


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A long time back someone on here told me how to set this Bible program so that I could copy and pate out of it to Microsoft Works and it would appear in the font of my choice. And until the Trojan hit my computer on about the 1st of this month and I reformatted my computer I could do this. I might add I also order and installed the latest update CD available from Sword Searcher.

I have my Sword Searcher set to Courier New as I did before the Trojan hit, and it is the font I use in my sermon outlines and until now when I would copy and paste from Sword Searcher into my sermon outline it would appear in the Courier New font, but it will no longer do that.

I have change the 'Configure copy paste format' under the 'Edit' button of Sword Searcher trying all of them yet it keeps pasting in Times New Roman font.

I have found that I can click the 'Edit' tab in Microsoft Works Document that I use for my outline before pasting, clicking on 'Paste Special' each time I coup and want to paste a verse from Sword Searcher, clicking on "Unformatted Unicode text, and it will paste in Courier New. But to do this I have to click on that each time before pasting into my outline Before all I had to do was copy & paste and it would be in the font of my choice.

Hope I described this so that it comes across properly.


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Tried for the last 45 mins to see if I can figure this out but can't. Maybe try downloading this office suite instead, I hear it's leaps and bounds better than Works. It's free too.


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