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A bit more about me

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As some of you may have guessed I was not raised in an IFB church.
The church I attended in my early childhood was not IFB, SBC, ABC, XYZ, or ASAP
it was just Baptist. It was just a small church in western NC. Looking back now it was
closer to IFB than anything else. This is the church I was saved in ( age 5) and had the
most influence on my core beliefs. Unfortunately when we moved to GA (about 10 years old)
the churches were MUCH different. Most of the Baptist (in our area) churches were SBC
and what I call "family" run churches. Meaning if you weren't related to the pastor and
deacons there was no place for you to work in the church. I spent alot of time trying to
find a church where I could get 'fed' and continually drifted further and further from God.
I got to a point where I was as far from God as I could possibly get. Don't get me wrong
my seperation from God was MY fault 110 %. I am not making excuses just giving the
background that influenced why I strayed. I am now 36 and am heartbroken over the
time and oppourtunities to serve God that I have wasted. In February of this year God
brought me to my knees and in an instant things were made right. It was like waking from
a very bad dream, or being release from prison. Years of sinful habits I had aquired during
my separation fell away overnight. A fresh desire to read and study his word blossomed in
my heart. He also led me to a small IFB church in my area and it was like steping back in
time. I found a place that feeds me spiritually and people that actually care if I am there.
I have since gotten rid of all the "distractions" in my life (movies,books,music, etc......) that
do not bring glory to God. God also freed me of the nearly life long habit of dipping snuff.
By His power I was able to quit cold turkey. I am truly happy for the first time in years.
(In my years of separation I suffered from severe depression and anger issues)
I am not perfect and He is still working on me. I am making progress though or rather
He is making progress in me. So if I make a blunder please be patient with me and help
me to understand. In many ways I am as a child, but I am growing up rapidly. To Him
be the praise the honor and the glory for the work HE is doing in me. I pray daily that
He will show me oppourtunities to serve him and that he will give me a work to do
for Him. Thank you for letting me share just a bit about my life.


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