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I agree with you there! My problem with the Mega Churches is there is no way a pastor can know all their names or even one personal thing about each member.
How can he then be responsible for the spiritual guidance of his congregation if he is not aware of who they are and what they need? He would run himself to
death just trying to visit the sick. Sure he has people to take care of all that for him but I can't remeber ever seeing a scripture on the qualifications of a
sub lay minister twice removed on his cousins, daddies, uncles side. (Just kidding a bit but I hope you see my point). To many people and needs fall through the cracks.
Just my humble opinion.

Exactly! How can a mega church pastor lead his flock when he doesn't know them and has no time to interact with them? Many of the large churches have committees of people that attempt to do what the pastor should attend to. It would seem to be in the best interestes of the cause of Christ for churches multiply once they reach a certain size rathe than growing to large sizes.
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I've nothing against larger churches. Yet I think some seek larger churches for the wrong reasons.

Some do so for they want to be leaders, there more opportunity to be a leader in a larger church.

Some to be seen of men, for the business man this offers him more opportunity to gain customers.

Some want to blend in, not get involved at all, and not missed when they fail to attend.

Some parents feels it gives their children more opportunity. I've noticed man times the larger churches have more fun and games for children.

And of course, some attend the larger church just to be in high society, show off their clothes, and rub shoulders with the leaders and important people from around town.

Of course, no matter what size the church is you can have those that attend for the wrong reason. I pray that this type of people, while setting in the church while hearing the Word proclaimed, they will have convictions, and repent.

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