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They do that so that they can build what ever doctrine that they want to teach and or some refuse to hold to the KJ because they feel they will be rejected and or lose church members and or even sent packing.

That's probably true for some. It just doesn't make sense to me that when a preacher really seems to be trying to preach the Word well, really seems to be a true Christian trying to rightly expound the Word (in other words, not one of those obviously off the wall sorts), that they would preach from a version they feel the need to continually correct.

Of course, as I've been thinking about it, I've know a few pastors who have accepted using the version a church already has in place when they take the pastorate of that church. Typically the church is comfortable with whatever version has been there for years and they don't want to spend the money it would cost to change versions and the congregation doesn't want to have to do the same.
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Years ago, before I heard all the bad stuff about the new versions, I came across a book at the Baptist book store called a parallel Bible. By the way, the only Bible I have ever used is the KJ, never bought one of thos corrupt Bibles, have no need for it.

I knew the man that ran the place so I went to him asking what in the world is this. He explained it to me. As he did it hit me probably those pastors that says you have to go to this verse in 'brand x modern version bible to get a clear understanding of what this verse real mean for the old KJ Bible does a very poor translation on this verse.

So, after finding out what it was I walked around looking at other stuff for a while holding that parallel Bible in my hands along with a couple of more items. Yet when they were checking me out, just before they rang up the parallel Bible, I says, "One moment, I've changed my mind, I don't need a parallel Bible, for I use the only good copy of the Bible that mans has." The cashier says, "Them your saying you do not want this parallel Bible?" I said, "That is correct, if you will hand it to be I will put it back where I found it." "Oh no, that's not necessary, we'll do that."

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Does choosing which translation/rendering is best really make someone "the final authority," Rick? How so? Is a person who prefers one translation over another, or who selects one Greek/English rendering over another making himself or herself "the final authority"?

Why not just pull out all 280 versions of the English bible that have been translated since 1900. Can't you see the mess that all these "preferences" leads too? It causes doubt in the word of God. If you have two conflicting versions and the preacher tells you that this version is good here and that is good there then, yes, he has become the final authority.
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