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By their elevation of various "saints" they diminish Christ. Mary is especially held up as the mediator, which is rightfully a position belonging to Jesus alone. Part of Catholic teaching is the need to pray to Mary to keep Jesus calm so He won't punish them when they sin. This would mean that God the Son is not in full control and needs the aid of Mary to do right. :unsure:

There have also been many "big name" Catholics who have proclaimed there are many ways to God (just like Presidents Bush and OBama have declared). Mother Teresa is a prime example of this as she proclaimed she didn't try to convert Hindus, Muslims and others to Catholicism because God reaches them through these other religions.

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Yes, by claiming that Mary and JOB were perfect. There was only one perfect, there was only one that was found without guile, without sin, and of course that was Christ Jesus the Lamb of God.

1Pe 2:22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

And of course they also do this by claiming that Mary the mother of Jesus is also our mediator.

1Ti 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

While there is only one mediator, Christ Jesus the Lam of God.

They undermined Christ Jesus the Lamp of God in several ways. If only they would OBey the Bible and stop teaching commandments of man for commandments of God, Yet they are more like a ship in the sea being tossed about by the waves, never finding the one and only path to the Home Port.

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By their elevation of various "saints" they diminish Christ. Mary is especially held up as the mediator, which is rightfully a position belonging to Jesus alone. Part of Catholic teaching is the need to pray to Mary to keep Jesus calm so He won't punish them when they sin. This would mean that God the Son is not in full control and needs the aid of Mary to do right. :unsure:

There have also been many "big name" Catholics who have proclaimed there are many ways to God (just like Presidents Bush and OBama have declared). Mother Teresa is a prime example of this as she proclaimed she didn't try to convert Hindus, Muslims and others to Catholicism because God reaches them through these other religions.

New American Bible,
Saint Joseph Edition
How to Read Your Bible ………… [20]
15. How Do You Know?

However, one prOBlem remains: You may hear interpreters of the Bible who are literalists or fundamentalists. They explain the Bible according to the letter: Eve really ate from the apple and Jonah was miraculously kept alive in the belly of the whale. Then there are the ultra-liberal scholars (outside the Catholic Church!), who qualify the whole Bible as another book of fairy tales. Catholic Bible scholars follow the sound middle of the road, keeping a balance between fundamentalists and scholars who are too liberal. You may make your own choice as long as it is not contrary to the teaching authority of the Church. The signature of a bishop in your Bible assures you that opinions, expressed in footnotes and introductions, reflect what is generally accepted as sound doctrine in the Catholic tradition.

I've bolded part in the quote from the Roman Church Bible above.
The instructions in the St. Joseph Ed. insert a fairy tale fruit.
“apple?” The word of God doesn’t say what “fruit” Eve ate. See Genesis 2 and 3. It appears as fruit in our KJV and also in the St Joseph ed.
Christ confirmed Jonah's experience the St. Joseph ed. instructions deny the deity of Christ.
Matthew 12:40 “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

I have no idea which fruit Eve ate, but she ate fruit and so did Adam. I know the great fish described in Jonah was a whale because Christ confirms it.

“sound middle of the road”

1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.
Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
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