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Texan - Help Please


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Last night, Nov 16, 2010, I heard U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert speak in behalf of a resolution he introduced this year (and several years in the past). He would like to see the resolution become a bill and signed as law. Here it is:

1. H.RES.1510 : Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4636) to prohibit United States assistance to foreign countries that oppose the position of the United States in the United Nations.
Sponsor: Rep Gohmert, Louie [TX-1] (introduced 7/13/2010)

Makes sense to me that we stop foriegn aid to countries like Yemen etc.

All that said...he read from a book which contained many of our nation's leaders substantiating that we are a Christian nation founded on Christian beliefs. Some I have heard before but many I have not heard of. I would like to get a copy of that book containing leaders throughout our history. The most recent one was a quote of Ronald Reagon.

His web site only accepts emails from state constituency. Any Texans out there who could go to his website and ask for the name/author of the book containing historical quotes he used?

Tell him continues to impress not only his own state constituants but other state's citizens as well.


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I have e-mailed him and will let you know as soon as I receive a response. I have a book, Faith of America's Founders, that contains quotes from the likes of John Quincy Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. but these don't contain quotes from Ronald Reagan or current leaders.

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I have e-mailed him and will let you know as soon as I receive a response. I have a book, Faith of America's Founders, that contains quotes from the likes of John Quincy Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. but these don't contain quotes from Ronald Reagan or current leaders.

Thanks. If you're in district 1 in Texas you have a pretty good Rep. He used the "historical quotes" and he also spent a good ammount of time reading/quoting scripture to the members of congress present.

Additionally, I believe the resolution to be a great idea. Foriegn aid to countries that appear to hate the U.S. or continually vote against the U.S. is simply wrong. Particularly, giving money to OPEC nations (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etal.) is like paying x3 for oil.

Here's a couple quotes from his argument:

"We don't have to give countries money to hate us." "Do we believe we will buy their love and affection?"
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Thanks. If you're in district 1 in Texas you have a pretty good Rep. He used the "historical quotes" and he also spent a good ammount of time reading/quoting scripture to the members of congress present.

Additionally, I believe the resolution to be a great idea. Foriegn aid to countries that appear to hate the U.S. or continually vote against the U.S. is simply wrong. Particularly, giving money to OPEC nations (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etal.) is like paying x3 for oil.

Here's a couple quotes from his argument:

"We don't have to give countries money to hate us." "Do we believe we will buy their love and affection?"

Excellent statement by this man!

After World War II America was flush with cash and during the Cold War took the approach of buying friends and allies. Of course, friends bought are not real friends and it doesn't take long for many to stick their hands out for rewards while offering very little in return.

Now we have America in debt so deep she may never be able to overcome the burden and even though the Cold War has passed, America has enemies in abundance around the glOBe. How many of these bought "friends" will be of any benefit to America when she really needs them? Especially once America hits the point she can't pay the high price for their "friendship"?

Indeed, America can't buy the love and affection of these wicked nations.

Another factor, often this "buying of friends" involves giving or selling very cheaply, advanced weapons to wicked nations. How many times already have these buyoff weapons eventually been used against us? How many more of our own weapons may be used against us in the future?

How misguided or outright wicked are those who arm our enemies in the name of friendship!
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